"A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast sprit renew within me. Cast me not out from your presence, and your Holy Spirit take not from me." (Psalm 51: 12 – 13)
I confided this one liner to my diary in the Lent of 1999.
"My desire is that God will thoroughly renew me this Lent."
This is 2007. Have I been thoroughly renewed? Not as I had believed in February 1999. But I have become much wiser. The renewing and pruning process is ongoing. How does God do this for me? Through the 7-Way Plan which he gave me at the beginning of the Enterprise. The 7-Way Plan consists of the following elements:
- Prayer
- Word of God
- Eucharist
- Reconciliation
- Examen
- Spiritual Reading/Direction
- Ministry
These are the pruning tools.