Saturday, January 19, 2008

Immense Benefits from Small Acts

"Merciful Father, may our acts of penance bring us your forgiveness, open our hearts to your love and prepare us for the coming feast of the resurrection …. " (Opening Mass Prayer in Lent)

I am reminded that God our Father is a merciful God. What a consoling and healing truth! Our Lenten acts of penance although insignificant in themselves produce immense spiritual benefits. Just as Namaan the leper was healed of leprosy by dipping himself seven times in River Jordan, so do our acts of penance capable of bringing forgiveness, healing from sin and opening our hearts to God's love.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Harvest and Perseverance

"Happy are they who have kept the word with a generous heart, and yield a harvest through perseverance." (Luke 8: 15)

Harvest must surely come if we persevere in studying God's word and serving him in holiness and justice.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I delight in God’s Promises

"Happy the man who delights in the law of the Lord and meditates on his law day and night. He is like a tree planted near running water, that yields its fruit in due season; and whose leaves never fade. Whatever he does, prospers." (Psalm 1: 1-3)

I believe in prayer.

I believe in the word of God.

I believe in miracles.

I leave the rest to God.

I delight enormously in God's promises; I covert them.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Trusting in Yahweh

"Blessed is anyone who trusts in Yahweh, with Yahweh to rely on. Such a person is like a tree by the waterside that thrusts its roots to the stream: When the heat comes it has nothing to fear, its foliage stays green; untroubled in a year of drought, it never stops bearing fruit." (Jeremiah 17: 7 – 8)

To trust in Yahweh means to trust that his word is true; to trust that he will do what he says.

I trust God for everything and at all times.

"When the heat comes …" This refers to the inevitability of times and seasons. The Psalmist says that those who trust in Yahweh fear no bad news.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

To Serve God is to Reign

"All-powerful God, to serve you is to reign: help us to serve you in holiness and justice. …" (Opening Prayer in the Mass of St. Casimir on March 4)

When I read the above prayer, I wanted to make sure I understand the meaning of the verb to reign and so I searched the Merriam Webster's Dictionary and found the following definition:

1 a : to possess or exercise sovereign power : rule b : to hold office as chief of state although possessing little governing power

2 : to exercise authority in the manner of a monarch
3 : to be predominant or prevalent

Is Jesus Christ not prophet, priest and king? Is it not our destiny to share in this royal dignity of the Son of God as adopted sons and daughters of God. To serve God is indeed to reign.



Monday, January 14, 2008

Active in good works

"God of love, bring us back to you. Send your Spirit to make us strong in faith and active in good works …" (Mass Prayer in Lent)

In the Lent of 1999, I confided the following to my journal:

"Lent is a period of grace, a period of Metanoia, a time of returning to God in every area of our life. We call on the Holy Spirit to make our faith strong and enable us to be active in good works.

Where do I need my faith made strong this Lent? Where do I need to be more active in good works?

I need my faith strengthened in God's providence for me. I need to believe more in God's promise of:

  • Peace
  • Provision
  • Protection
  • Power
  • Purpose
  • Pardon

In terms of good works, I need to be engaged in pamphlet apostolate."

After almost ten years of writing the above, I am still praying for stronger faith in God's loving and powerful providence for me. I did start the pamphlet apostolate and it is on-going.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Correct Thought

"Test me, O God, and know my thoughts; see whether I step in the wrong path, and guide me along the everlasting way." (Psalm 139: 23-24)

How does God test me? Through his word. His word challenges every area of my life. Are my thoughts on family, health, job, money, tools and food formed by God's word?

Father, I want your word to completely form my thoughts so that when you test my thoughts, I will not be found wanting.

Correct thought is the key to correct action. To have the mind of Christ is to have correct thought on every issue.