"God our Father, we are gathered here to share in the supper which your only Son left to his Church to reveal his love. He gave it to us when he was about to die and commanded us to celebrate it as the new and eternal sacrifice. We pray that in this Eucharist, we may find the fullness of love and life…." (Prayer at Mass)
The Eucharist reveals Christ's love for His Church. We see why the Church has guarded the Eucharist jealously for the past 2000 years. Not to do so would be much more grievous than being flippant with a wedding ring given by a much beloved spouse.
Jesus Christ invites us to the Eucharist but some people hear this invitation every day. The invitation and the answer prove Christ's immense love for them.
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." The Eucharist promises fullness of love and life. May I find both in the Eucharist, O Jesus. The Eucharist is a celebration of love and thanks.