Saturday, May 12, 2012

They grow stronger in faith

"Day after day the churches grew stronger in faith and increased in number. " (Acts 16: 5)

What is growth in faith?  It is the growth in the understanding and acceptance of the truths of faith.  It is also growth in appropriating God's generous promises in His word.  As we appropriate these promises and watch the fulfillment in our lives, our faith grows.

Lord Jesus, you brought us the consolation of the truth.  Thank you Jesus.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Go and bear much fruit

"It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you." (John 15: 16)

Yes, Lord.  I know you chose me.  I did not choose you.  I remember at time when I thought that I chose you.  Thank you for your patience.  Thank you for teaching me.  You chose me to go and bear fruit that will last.  Today more than ever, I want to do this.

"I will bear a witness to you in the world, O Lord.  I will spread the knowledge of your name among my brothers, alleluia."  (Psalm 17: 50; 21: 23)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Witness

"And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by granting them the holy Spirit just as he did us.He made no distinction between us and them, for by faith he purified their hearts."  (Acts 15: 8 - 9)

The Holy Spirit in us bears witness that we are indeed here and now the children of God.  It is amazing how people from different Christian traditions experience and express this same reality.  The presence of the Holy Spirit in us is the sure guarantee of the life of God in the soul.   We call it sanctifying grace.  It is sanctifying because the function of the Holy Spirit in us is to make us holy.  He convicts us of sin and leads to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  He renews our mind through His living word and makes us conform to Christ and not to the world.  He reminds us what Jesus has taught us through His word and through the Eucharist.  He is also the voice that "speaks in court."  Court here meaning any place where we need to bear witness to Jesus.

O Most Beloved Holy Spirit, fill me with your precious Self.  Fill me also with your gifts.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Bear much fruit

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples."  (John 15: 7-8)

The Father will be glorified when I bear much fruit.  What fruits are expected of me here and now?  Mango trees do not bear apple fruits.  Apple trees bear apple fruits and mango trees bear mango fruits.  As one baptized in Christ, I am called to holiness.  I bear fruits that bear evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in me.  I bear fruits of love, joy, kindness, purity, gentleness, etc.

The Holy Spirit also equips me with special charisms to enable me to build up the Body of Christ.  These charisms are faith, teaching and prophecy.  I use these charisms to bear fruit in the area of my purpose:

"I have chosen you from the world to go and bear fruit that will last." (John 15: 16, 19)
"I will bear a witness to you in the world, O Lord.  I will spread the knowledge of your name among my brothers."  (Psalm 17: 50; 21:23)

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The Divine Necessity of the Cross

"Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" (Luke 24: 26)

At the heart of the Paschal Mystery is the Cross.  The Cross is a divine necessity.  It was so for Christ.  It is so for every one of us.  To reject the cross is to reject Jesus Christ.  To embrace the cross is to embrace life and glory.

Monday, May 07, 2012

My Peace I leave with you

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."  (John 14: 27)

Let the promised peace of Christ control my heart and mind today.  Let the word of Christ dwell in me richly.  (Colossians 3: 15, 16)   I will trust in Jesus completely today and enjoy His peace no matter whatever happens.  The Lord's peace will abide in me and with me even if war is raging in all the 7 war zones of health, family, finances, job, tools, food and future.

I will have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make my requests known to God.  The peace of Jesus Christ which surpasses all understanding will guard my heart and mind always throughout this day.  (Philippians 4: 4 - 6)  Thank you Jesus.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Bearing abundant fruit

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing." (John 15: 5)

"I have chosen you from the world to go and bear fruit that will last." (John 15, 16, 19)

The choice, the call and the anointing all have one objective:  to bear much fruit.  We are chosen, called and anointed to bear abundant durable fruit.  How do we achieve this lofty objective?  Remain in Christ and allow Christ to remain in us.  We achieve this principally through the word of Christ and through the Eucharist.  Jesus Christ is present in His word.  This is why His word is alive and powerful.  The Eucharist is the real body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.  When we eat His flesh and drink His blood, we achieve a level of communion and intimacy with Jesus that is beyond compare with any experience we could ever have with God.

"I will bear a witness to you in the world, O Lord.  I will spread the knowledge of your name among my brothers."  ((Psalm 17: 50; 21:23)  This is bearing fruit.