Tuesday, September 06, 2005

St. John Chrysostom

"Besides being a sage, Qoheleth taught the people what he himself knew, having weighed, studied and emended many proverbs. Qoheleth took pains to write in an attractive style and by it to convey truths(Ecclesiastes 12: 9-10).

St John Chrysostom was born in 347, the son of a Latin father and a Greek mother. His name 'Chrysostom' means golden-mouthed. John, a type of Qoheleth in (Ecclesiastes 12: 9-10, 12) wrote numerous homilies on the Gospels of Matthew and John and the letter to the Romans. He became very distinquished as a writer and preacher. As the patriarch of Constantinople, John was reform minded. John is one of the four Greek doctors of the Church. St. John Chrysostom is the patron of preachers. His feast day is September 13.

Quotes from John Chrysostom

"There is no better teaching than the teacher's own example. By taking this course, the teacher is sure to get his disciple to follow him. Speak wisely, instruct as eloquently as you can...,but your example will make a greater impression, will be more decisive...When your actions are in line with your words, nobody will be able to find fault with you" (Homily on Philippians).

"The books of the Bible are teachers which never cease to instruct us[...].Open these books. What a treasuries of good remedies they contain! [...]. All you need do is look at the book, read it and remember well the wise teachings therein. The source of all our evils is our ignorance of the sacred books" (Homilies on Colossians).

"If God has honored us with countless gifts it is thanks to his love, not to our merits. Our fervor, our strength, our faith and our unity are the fruits of God's benevolence and our response to his goodness" (Homily on Ephesians, ad loc).


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