Friday, May 19, 2006

Don't be Afraid

“Jesus spoke to them at once, ‘Courage!’ he said. ‘It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

(Mark 6: 50)

The disciples saw what they thought was a ghost and were terrified. What are the things that make me afraid in life? I am upset by sickness, injustice, poverty, suffering, delays and problems. Jesus has a message for me this morning. He says to m e: “It is I. Don’t be afraid.” I should not be afraid or upset by anything because Jesus is always with me. If only I can grasp this truth! If only I can hold on to it! I should never be afraid.

Lord Jesus, teach me to find you in all circumstances. Your word says that you are present in all situations and in every event. Impress this truth on my mind and soul.

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