Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Witness to the resurrection 2

"God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses." (Acts 2: 32)

The apostles were the chief eye witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is the central truth of Christianity. We are Christians because we believe in the resurrection of Jesus. Without the resurrection, our faith is worthless. Without the resurrection of Jesus, the Church becomes like a social club but a club that promises only suffering and renunciations of comforts without offering anything positive. Because of the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of our own resurrection, we know that there is a better life than this one.

I am called to be a witness to the resurrection of Jesus. Can one witness to prayer if one does not pray? Can one witness to the resurrection of Christ if one has not experienced this reality? To bear witness to the resurrection is to bear witness to the truth that Christ is alive and is present in me through the Holy Spirit. He is present in a unique way in the Eucharist and the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus is also present in the Church when it gathers for worship.

To bear witness to the Christ present in me is to produce the fruits of Christ in my life.

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