Thursday, January 02, 2014

What I heard in the beginning

"Let what you heard from the beginning remain in you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, then you will remain in the Son and in the Father."  (1 John 2: 24"

A voice I became familiar with later told me that all that I needed is the Holy Spirit.  The timing was at the height of my Desert Experience.  I was so deeply impressed by this message that I wondered how all that I needed could ever be the Holy Spirit.  I needed health, job, money, food, car, computer, telephone, etc.

After wondering about the appropriateness of this message, I started immediately to research Who the Holy Spirit is.  Providentially, I bought a big book on the Holy Spirit which I had not even opened.  I took the well-written book from my bookcase and poured over the pages voraciously.  It did not take many days before I discovered one curious fact.

For many years prior to this, I bought and read almost everything I could find on self-development.  America excels in this motivational genre.  I was familiar with all the major authors.  I read biographies and autobiographies of the principal political and business leaders.  I was seeking one formula:  how to quickly get to the top in my company.

What I discovered from the book on the Holy Spirit was at every promise of gifts of mind, body, wealth and fame were gifts of the Holy Spirit.  It was like traveling across the world to search for diamonds while there are acres of the precious metal in your very backyard.

"Let what you heard from the beginning remain in you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, then you will remain in the Son and in the Father."  (1 John 2: 24"

What did I hear from the beginning of my spiritual journey?  "All that you need is the Holy Spirit."  In Desert 2.0, the truth still remains.  Abide in the Holy Spirit and you will abide in Jesus.  When I am afraid in 2014, I will remember another truth.  I am the adopted son of God.  I will not forget the privileges and in any distress will cry out ABBA FATHER.

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