Monday, October 11, 2021


"There is no need for you to become fearful and anxious. All will come to pass as I promised, but according to My perfect plan and at the time I have chosen, the best possible time for you and for all concerned. Continue to trust Me and tell Me often that all your trust is in the merciful goodness of My Heart. I will not fail you nor will I leave you open to the destructive influences that are seeking to undermine this work that is Mine. I chose you, the most broken and sin-sick of all My priests, in order to fill your poverty with My gifts and to display My power in your weakness.  Your soul was marked by deep wounds, the wounds inflicted by impurity and by sin at so tender an age. You could have continued down the path of evil prepared for you by Satan and his instruments, but My Mother intervened to save you, and she obtained from Me that you should carry out this work of adoration, reparation, and service to My beloved priests." (IN SINU JESU, Thursday, May 27, 2010). 

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