Friday, April 12, 2024


Feast of St Martin I, Pope & Martyr.  

"When it was evening, the disciples of Jesus went down to the sea, embarked in a boat, and went across the sea to Capernaum.

"It had already grown dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. The sea was stirred up because a strong wind was blowing. 

"When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they began to be afraid. 

"But he said to them, “It is I. Do not be afraid.”

"They wanted to take him into the boat, but the boat immediately arrived at the shore to which they were heading." (John 6: 16 - 21).

Saturday 13th April 2024, in the 2nd Week of Easter is the feast of Pope St Martin 1. Italian. Pope and Martyr. 

St Martin suffered martyrdom because of his defense of the truth that Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% Man. Emperor Constans II got him arrested and exiled him to Crimea where he suffered much abuse and humiliation. Martin wrote from prison: “For forty-seven days, I have not been given water to wash in. I am frozen through and wasting away…. But God sees all things and I trust in him.”

One of the most consoling verses uttered by Jesus in the Gospels is: “It is I. Do not be afraid.”

In today's Gospel from (John 6: 16 - 21), the Disciples of Jesus were very frightened when they saw Jesus walking on the sea along their boat.

The sea in the Scriptures represent the world, unpredictable and menacing. We are the disciples without the least control over the incidents in our lives.

Companies rise and fall in the stock market. Russia attacks Ukraine. Hamas seizes captives. Flood devastates California. Election is won and lost.

Man does not control his destiny. 

Yet the Lord can say calmly:

“It is I. Do not be afraid.”

What does this mean? It means: You are not God. I AM. 

When we learn that God controls all events and that what God permits to happen in our lives is for our good and not our woes, we begin to appreciate and enjoy the truth and power of Religion. 

God is in control. You are not. 


The Church learns more and honors the HOLY EUCHARIST in APRIL. 

For Teachings, Prayers and Prayer intentions click the link:

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