Tuesday, April 30, 2024




1. The Litany of Loreto

V. Lord, have mercy.

R. Christ have mercy.

V. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us.

R. Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. 

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us. 

Holy Mother of God, pray for us. 

Holy Virgin of Virgins, 

Mother of Christ, 

Mother of the Church

*MOTHER of Mercy*

Mother of divine grace,

*MOTHER of Hope*

Mother most pure,

Mother most chaste,

Mother inviolate,

Mother undefiled,

Mother most amiable,

Mother most admirable,

Mother of good Counsel,

Mother of our Creator,

Mother of our Savior,

Virgin most prudent,

Virgin most venerable,

Virgin most renowned,

Virgin most powerful,

Virgin most merciful,

Virgin most faithful,

Mirror of justice,

Seat of wisdom,

Cause of our joy,

Spiritual vessel,

Vessel of honor,

Singular vessel of devotion,

Mystical rose,

Tower of David,

Tower of ivory,

House of gold,

Ark of the covenant,

Gate of heaven,

Morning star,

Health of the sick,

Refuge of sinners,

*COMFORT of Migrants*

Comforter of the afflicted,

Help of Christians,

Queen of Angels,

Queen of Patriarchs,

Queen of Prophets,

Queen of Apostles,

Queen of Martyrs,

Queen of Confessors,

Queen of Virgins,

Queen of all Saints,

Queen conceived without original sin,

Queen assumed into heaven,

Queen of the most holy Rosary,

Queen of families,

Queen of peace,

Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

Our Lady Undoer of knots. 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 

Every Saturday 

Official Act of Consecration to Mary

(Written by St. Maximilian Kolbe). 

O Immaculata, Queen of Heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother, God has willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you.  I, (name), a repentant sinner, cast myself at your feet humbly imploring you to take me with all that I am and have, wholly to yourself as your possession and property.  Please make of me, of all my powers of soul and body, of my whole life, death and eternity, whatever most pleases you.

If it pleases you, use all that I am and have without reserve, wholly to accomplish what was said of you: “She will crush your head,” and, “You alone have destroyed all heresies in the world.”  Let me be a fit instrument in your immaculate and merciful hands for introducing and increasing your glory to the maximum in all the many strayed and indifferent souls, and thus help extend as far as possible the blessed kingdom of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  For wherever you enter, you obtain the grace of conversion and growth in holiness, since it is through your hands that all graces come to us from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

V. Allow me to praise you, O sacred Virgin.

R. Give me strength against your enemies.


St Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.

St Louis Marie de Monfort,

St Alphonsus Liguori

St Anthony of Padua… 


The Fifteen Promises of Mary to Christians Who Recite the Rosary

1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell; it will destroy vice, decrease sin and defeat heresies. 

4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities and will lift them to the desire of eternal things.  Oh, that soul would sanctify themselves by this means!

5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish.

6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred Mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune.  God will not chastise him in His justice; he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.

7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in Paradise.

9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary. 12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities. 

13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death. [COMMUNION OF THE SAINTS]. 

14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of Predestination. [DESTINY/ PURPOSE]. 

"There are no sufferings that cannot be borne peacefully, so long as a soul is praying the Rosary. Through the Rosary, all the grace and power of My mysteries passes through My Mother’s Immaculate Heart into the hearts of the little ones who invoke her, repeating the angel’s “Ave” over and over again. There are illnesses that can be cured through the Rosary. There are clouds of darkness and confusion that only the Rosary can disperse, and this because it is My Mother’s favourite prayer, a prayer that originated in the heights of heaven and was carried to earth by My Archangel, a prayer echoed and amplified in the Church through the ages, a prayer loved by all My saints, a prayer of disarming power and of immense depth." (IN SINU JESU, Tuesday, December 2, 2014).

"As for you, dear son of mine, persevere in praying to me. Hold fast to my Rosary and beware of every ploy of the Evil One to separate you from it. My Rosary is your safeguard and your weapon in the fight against the forces of evil. At the same time, for you it is a remedy and a comfort. Do you not see how the Rosary has stabilized you? Do you not experience its healing and all its benefits? Pray my Rosary and teach others to do the same." (IN SINU JESU). 



   1. Mystery of the Holy Rosary by Louis Marie de Monfort. 

      2. Glories of Mary by St Alphonsus Liguori. 

May 2024 Crowning of Mary: Thursday May 2, 2024. 

Daily Bible Verse  Seekfirst.blogspot.com 


  1. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Thank You my Heavenly and Blessed. Holy MOTHER! Pray for me now and forever ! I Love You ❤️πŸ’•!I will Pray your Holy Rosary with devotion to Your Loveing Heart! Please give me your blessing Holy Mother of JESUS CHRIST AMEN πŸ™ πŸ™✝️πŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ♥️🌹🌹

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM


    2. Anonymous3:59 PM


    3. Anonymous8:57 AM


    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Amen and Amen!

    5. Anonymous8:44 PM


    6. Anonymous6:09 AM

      AMEN Heavenly Holy Mother of our Lord JESUS CHRIST !! Pray for Us. your children give Us Your Holy BLESSINGS I LOVE ❤️ πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ✝️✝️YOU AMEN

    7. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Thank you Holy Mother Mary for all the prayers and gifts you have given me and my family.

    8. Anonymous3:06 AM

      Heavenly and Loving Holy Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and my Mother on earth 🌍 Thank You πŸ™ for your Mercy and your Graces πŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ✝️✝️πŸ™✝️πŸ™♥️⛪️🌹🌹🌹I will do your Holy Rosary everyday With Your Blessing and Your Graces Please be by my side and give me strength to keep doing my most humble prayers and my Rosary to You oh how I Love You ❤️ πŸ™πŸ™✝️✝️ Heavenly Mother Praise be to thee and Your Beloved Son my LORD JESUS CHRIST my GOD and my SAVIOR AMEN πŸ™ ✝️♥️πŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ

    9. Anonymous12:49 AM


    10. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Amen hallelujah!

    11. Anonymous4:20 AM

      God is Great! Mary, Mother of God, protect us!

    12. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Heavenly Mother Thank You for Your Graces , Blessings and Love,Your Protection!! I Love ❤️ You So Much πŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ⛪️⛪️⛪️⛪️⛪️You are the most Beautiful Woman and Merciful and Loving Mother!!of the Universal Church. !!! πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹⛪️⛪️πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“Ώ♥️♥️πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉAMEN

    13. Anonymous11:04 AM


    14. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Amen. The lord is Risen

    15. Anonymous1:19 AM

      AMEN AMEN πŸ™ πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ✝️✝️✝️✝️πŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸ“ΏπŸŒΉ❤️

    16. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Thank you blessed mother Blessings For me and my family Thank you for the divine mercyπŸ’πŸ™Amen

    17. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Hail Mary Holy Queen may all my beautiful brothers and sisters across this earth and in the Heavens experience your most beautiful love✨ May our hearts sing your praise and Glory ✨ Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for the gift of your most beautiful rosary and for the most precious gift of your only Glorious son Jesus, Amen πŸ™

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Most Holy Mother, I thank you for all your Devine intercession for my family and me. It is definitely a Devine pleasure to pray the rosary on a daily basis. It is most inspiring. I have experienced the gifts brought to my life through reciting the rosary every day. I pray to you for my family, friends, and strangers who are in great need of you. I will love you for eternity. Amen.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Thank you, O Holy mother, please pray for me and my family . Amen πŸ™

    3. Anonymous3:11 AM

      God is good.

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Blessed Holy Mother of God please pray for me and my family. Help us with the struggles we face every day with our sins with your help we can do the will of your son Jesus Christ.
    Blessed Mother Pray for Us. St. Joseph Terror of Demons Pray for Us. Jesus I Trust in You

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM


    2. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Amen and Amen❤️πŸ™πŸ™

    3. Anonymous7:05 AM


    4. Anonymous4:55 AM


  4. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Thank you Blessed Mother Mary for your YES to humanity and bringing us the new covenant of your son Jesus! Thank you for bringing salvation to all sinners! I love you and devote my heart and soul to you and your son. Pray for me and my family, for the Church, for all nations and their leaders, and especially the children- preborn and born. Holy Mother of God, pray for us sinners; now and at the hour of death. Amen. ❤️ Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us!

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    2. Thomas10:02 AM


    3. Anonymous10:53 AM


  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Holy Mother, Blessed Mother you have given us life everlasting through your Son. The Rosary is a beautiful prayer to thank you for the miraculous gifts you bestow on all who seek your assistance. So blessed and thankful dear blessed Mother.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Immaculate heart of Mary cause of our joy pray for us.

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Mary Mother of Jesus Christ, thank you for counting me worthy of your love and protection for me and most importantly my husband and children ❤ Thank you❣

  7. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I Honor you & Love you most Blessed Mother and I will continue to pray the Holy Rosary everyday for the rest of my life! I believe the promises of the Holy Rosary ✝️ please provide many Blessings to my family for strength & faith to guide my family through life with God’s Blessings! Sacred Heart of Mary, I place all my Trust in you!! Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Thank you Virgin Mary for your intercession for the healing of my brother and all the health issues he was struggling with since December. Please be to God, my heavenly father, for hearing your intercessory prayers.

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    My dear Mary you have been there for me during my journey with my sick husband please continue to give me strength blessed are you among women.

  10. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Amen thank you Jesus for Mother Mary we are blessed πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ’•

  11. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Since this month of May is Devoted to Mother Mary We pray for peace and unity in the world. The sick, the poor especially the disable. Let us pray for a good Election too.

    1. Anonymous4:23 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  12. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Thank you blessed Mother Mary! Thank Lord Jesus! Thank you Saint Joseph! Thank you for everything what I received πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  13. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Thank you Mother Mary for your love & blessings. Please guide my family to do Gods will. Amen.

  14. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Thank you Blessed Mother for all the wonderful works you have given me through the Holy Rosary.I will pray for the children who have little faith and for our country

  15. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Thank you mother Mary for interceding for us. Mary queen of peace may you intercede for us that through your intercession God will give us peace in our families, our country and the world. Amen!

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  16. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Thank you mother Mary for the promises granted to us through prayer of the most holy rosary.

  17. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for who have recourse to Thee πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ™

  18. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Blessed Mother please help us especially myself I’m not feeling well thank you blessed mother πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Amen πŸ™ πŸ™

  19. Anonymous8:15 AM

    My dearest mother, how wonderful it is that you brought your son to us, that we may know and love Him. Please keep all families in your prayer as only a mother can. Thank you for the prayers of the holy rosary. Amen

  20. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Our Mother Mary
    We love you with all that we have. Thank you for our Father your son Jesus.

  21. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Hail Mary, I love the Holy Family. Thank you for my many blessings.
    Blessed Mary please intercede for me and the intentions I hold in my heart.
    Mary Undoer of Knots pray for us.
    Love Jean

  22. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Oh holy mother of the rosary pray for me who have come to you seeking you help in my pain i have been with this pain for the past year in my right legs i am praying the rosary everyday asking for healing and and intersection o mary concivd with out sin pray for me

  23. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for me and my family to get through these problems πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  24. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Thank you my dearest Mother Mary for giving us this beautiful rosary prayer. Please intercede for my family and myself. Amen

  25. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I pray that husband has good results on his physical test. And for me to quit smoking. Thank you Mother Mary I ask this in your son Lord Jesus.

  26. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Please intercede for my family’s health.

  27. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Thank you mother Mary for watching me and my family and pray us siners Amen

  28. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Jesus help me to understand and forgive πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  29. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Thank you blessed mother! Hear my prayers blessed mother I ask you intercession please to ask your son Jesus Christ to touch my papa heart he will change and respect please blessed mother and Saint Joseph!
    Thank you very much!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  30. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Thank you Blessed Holy Mother for all your prayers, and inversions, and all the prayers that have been answered.

  31. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Blessed Mother Mary, queen of all the angels, we thank you for being a great mother to us all. Please continue to intercede for us and draw us ever closer to your son our Lord Jesus christ. Because with his grace and mercy we are nothing!

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  32. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Mother Mary, Queen of Hearts, thank you for being in my life, for answering my prayers. I love you and the Holy Family...

  33. Anonymous4:37 AM

    My Dear Mother Mary I believe your 15 promises and I take them to heart ♥️. Please take my prayers to Jesus to favor my daughter with a job in the engineering industry. She has her masters and is in search of a job. Jesus promised that whatever we ask in his name will be granted to us. Mother I need your intervention in this case urgently. Thank you πŸ™πŸ½ our Mother.πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  34. Anonymous5:20 AM

    The blessing of the rosary are true for me. Thanks, be to God!!

  35. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Blessed Mother Mary Queen heaven and earth thank you so much πŸ™

  36. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I have a testimony because of reciting a rossary

  37. Please share your testimony. The Blessed Virgin Mary will be pleased. Many people will be encouraged.

  38. Anonymous1:55 PM


    1. Anonymous2:37 AM

      Mena Mary thank you for teaching me all your prayers πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  39. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Thank you so much for your graces Blessed Virgin Mary,Most Holy,Most Beautiful and Most Humble, thank you for your intercession through your beloved Son for my marriage and the sacraments of the Church
    The graces of Prayer and Fasting I'm humbled My dear Mother continue to Pray for us Mary Mother undoer of knots

  40. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Blessed Mother please help me whatever my sickness right now please Blessed Mother! Offer me to your son Jesus God the father Son the Holy Spirit! Thank you so much our mother queen heaven and earth!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  41. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for me to continue the rosary every day πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  42. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Mother Mary, please pray for me to be a true disciple of Jesus in words as well as my actions. Please guide me, my wife, my children and granddaughters to everlasting peace with the holy family. Keep me going Mary and Jesus🌹✝️πŸ™❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  43. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Thank You Mother my intercessor and intervened on behalf of my family, my siblings, in-laws and well wisher, l pray for theses intensions: protection of my daughter's pregnancy till term and a safe delivery, devine healing in all of us that are having one ailment or the other, devine favours and to know you more and more. Mother undo our knots for us IJMN. Amen

  44. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Thank you blessed Mother to love us! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  45. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Holy Spirit come into my heart , stay with me forever πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  46. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I love you, my Dear Blessed Mother! You have always been there for me! Please inspire my family (both my children & grandchildren) to want to pray the Daily Rosary every day of their lives. O Holy Mary, Queen of Families, pray for us!πŸ’ž✝️

  47. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Thank you Mother Mary for your intercessions, blessings & protection whenever we call on You. You never fail us. We are truly grateful for all You are doing. Thank you.πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  48. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Blessed Mother, please ask Your Son Jesus Christ to heal my sister Linda from her incurable melanoma & grant her relief in her remaining life. Through Your intercession, nothing is impossible for Your Son. We remain in prayer, hope & faith for this blessing & miracle. Thank you Blessed Mother.πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  49. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Heavenly Father, thank you for having given to us our Blessed Mother Mary.
    Holy Mother of God, thank you for your motherly care, your maternal loving protection and for your maternal loving intercession to your Divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ for all our spiritual and temporal needs. All glory, praise and thanksgiving to you.
    Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Queen of our hearts, our families, our homes, our Mother, our Confidence!

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  50. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Thank you blessed mother for everything!! I love you Holy Family,πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  51. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Blessed Mother help me to forgive my daughter, pray for meπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Hi, I will say a prayer for you to forgive your daughter for her wrong doings. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen

  52. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Dear BVM I PRAY TO YOU!!!!!
    Thank You For Your Support Shield of Armor. Keep me & my petitions under your bosom!

  53. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Holy Spirit come into my heart I need you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  54. Anonymous6:05 PM

    blessed mother forgive for all my sins help me to do beter the rest of my life

  55. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Blessed Mother help me to find peace and joy in my life ,bless me and my family with success in what ever we do ,bless my dΓ ughter with a good job and with a God fearing husband...I love u ❤️,in Jesus name i pray ...Amen

  56. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Dear Blessed Mother Mary I agave not
    Been a Catholic but 5years now and truly regret that I have missed so much in my life because of not knowing you and all of the blessings you can give us. I try my
    Very best to pray with my Rosary daily but sometimes I fall short of doing so. I
    just want you to know that I love you and
    your magnificent son, Jesus Christ.
    Please protect my wonderful wife Betty
    and all of my children & grandchildren now and forever.πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  57. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Blessed Holy Mother thank you for all the blessings and favours we received. Almost every day we recite the Most Holy Rosary with faith and joy. Be with us guide and help us to
    abide with your son and our brother Jesus Christ. Thank you dear Mother.

  58. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Holy Mary! Blessed Mother ask your intercession pray peace of the world and have mercy on us!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  59. Anonymous10:28 AM

    My Holy Blessed Mother.
    Thank you for all you do for me and my family. Plz help me a lowly sinner to know u more to love u more and make u a more active part of my minute to minute. life. I need your help so very much

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  60. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Hail Mary full of grace have mercy on us

  61. Anonymous9:36 PM

    YES, AMEN πŸ™

  62. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, with gratitude & humility, I pray for your intercession for the restoration of good health to my husband, daughter & me. Please help us find healing for our medical conditions & restore us to good health. Thank you Blessed Mother.πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  63. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Blessed Mother, I am so thankful for my pilgrimage to Lourdes this year & to be able to share the spring water with my family & friends. I pray for Your intercession for my daughter’s total recovery from pcos from her young life. I pray that with Your blessing & help, she’s able to find a better job & an apartment in a safe area & walking distance to a church. With Your guidance, please bless her with finding a loving, caring, kind & generous Catholic life partner. I know that You & Your Son Jesus will never fail her. Thank you.πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  64. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Dear Blessed Mother, I pray for Your intercession for my husband’s smooth extension of his work contract for another 3 years. Thank you. I pray also for Your help in buying a 2BR apartment in a safe low-rise location near an English speaking & vibrant Catholic Church. Lead us to our new home. Please continue to keep our family’s Catholic faith strong & prayerful, & for us to contribute/support our church community in some way daily. Thank you Blessed Mother for your guidance & help. We remain humbly grateful always for all the blessings received. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  65. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Thank you blessed Mother! I love you Holy Family!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  66. Anonymous8:00 AM

    πŸ™πŸ™ πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Queen and Mother, please pray for our souls to be saved by your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please pray for the health and safety of all children, please pray for all who do not believe. Please bring my daughters and their families into the church and my husband as well. Thank you for all if your bestowed blessings upon us and our families. With love, πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  67. Anonymous10:54 AM


  68. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Holy mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your intercession. Mother Mary obtain from God the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit for my Children especially fear of God, wisdom and knowledge. Amen!

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  69. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for my family and me , ♥️♥️♥️πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  70. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I prayed the rosary during my husband’s operation which helped & comforted me, he still remains unwell & I pray for his full recovery. I continue with my faith in its holy power and trust in God’s will. Amen πŸ™

  71. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Blessed mother protect us our way to Saint Paul the Sr. Poor Clare we love you!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  72. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I pray for my dear wife who is now with god in heven

  73. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for all my family and friends Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  74. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Blessed Mother Mary you have never failed to inspire me and guide me when I pray your most holy rosary. Thank-you for accepting my 54 Day Novena. I now wish only to serve my God in Jesus’ name and for my daily devotion to be useful to you. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.Jesus, I Love and trust in you and feel so blessed that your Holy Mother is with me always.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  75. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Blessed Mary ,Mother of God, I ask for your healing graces from my injury and subsequent surgeries. Please make me whole again and help me to offer up my pain to to my dear Lord who suffered more than I can ever imagine.

  76. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Please keep my family and friends safe in inclement weather. Bless us with acceptance and understanding of each other.

  77. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of our Divine Lord Jesus Christ, Queen of Angels, Mother of the Apostles, Comfort of Martyrs, Comfort of the Afflicted, Healing Balm to the Infirm and the Persecuted, Strength and Hope of the Suffering, Safe Harbor to Drifters from the Faith, Supportive Intercessor for Victims of Conflicts and Wars, Solace of the Enslaved or Addicted, Hope of the Homeless and Disenfranchised, I thank you with all my heart for Thy Protection and Guidance through cancer treatments to restored health, fortified faith, and an extended life. I most humbly ask Thee for Thy continued Intercession in matters of health and family. I resolve to remain faithful in prayer, in repentance, and in works of mercy. Dearest Mother of our Lord and Savior, Mother to all Humanity, I pray for World Peace and remain forever grateful for Thy profound empathy, love, and protection. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Yes, Amen!!!

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Pray for my husband’s job, health and discipline to stop drinking. Pray I find my wallet and bring my kids back to you and church. Amen

    4. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Amen πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    5. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Yes. Amen

    6. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Yes. Amen

  78. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Blessed Mother thank you for everything that you given us! Thank you our mother please pray my father Carlos touch his heart to love his family’s! Thank you blessed mother πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  79. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Blessed Mother pray for all my family and friends that need your help, I will say the rosary daily with love πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  80. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Thank you Holy Mother of our Lord.

  81. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Blessed Mother thank you for everything I love holy family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  82. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Blessed Mother keep me in your heart, bless my family with faith πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  83. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Mother mother my heart is yours My life is yours I thank you and I love you and I praise God for you a praise God for God is so great and does so many wonderful things for me if I use all the words in the world I could only say thank you I love you Lord thank you for my mother Mary when you say Joseph for the church for the sacraments thank you for your grades and sacrifice thank you for the holy Spirit thank you for everything I pray for you and I love you Lord now and always Amen Lord our God thank you for my family I play I pray your blessing flow through me to them May they love you always somehow someway bring them all to you thank you for everything our God Amen me anonymous

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  84. Anonymous7:17 AM

    We love you Mother Mary. And we do pray the Rosary at night with our family. Amen πŸ™

  85. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Holy Mary Mother all over the world thank you for everything we love you Holy family, blessed Mother please ask your son send a rain especially those affected! Thank you our mother πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  86. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, I give myself to you totally to mold me to become more like you, and to embody the Holy Spirit to do as Your Son, Jesus, says to do, for not my will, but God’s Will be done. Amen.

  87. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Thanks for all my blessings ♥️♥️♥️

  88. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Dearest Mother thank you for your intercession to your dearly beloved son. I know you always do when I call for you. Guide me Mother to live the life your son our Lord Jesus Christ wants me to be.
    Dear Mother please pray for my family , my husband ‘s healing and most of all for the forgiveness of our sins. Amen

  89. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Mother of perpetual help please help me, guide me, follow me, protect me, and help my families and relatives! Thank you our blessed Mother!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  90. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for my family bring them back to the faith, I will pray the rosary with faithfulness πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  91. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Blessed Mother please I ask your intercession give one of my relatives to be with me! Please blessed mother in the world! Thank you so much blessed mother! We love the holy family!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  92. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Blessed mother ask your intercession please ask your loving son give one of my nieces to be with me! Thank you very much merciful mother πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  93. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Thank you Mother Mary we love you. Thank you for your Son Jesus.Amen

  94. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Please Mother Mary, Blessed mother of Jesus. Pray for my dear wife Carrie. Grant her good health and cure her of all her afflictions. Keep her safe happy and healthy without worry.
    I pray this in Christ Jesus and to you most holy mother Mary.

  95. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Queen of heaven and earth I adore you, sweet breath, generous love, and abundant mother with all graces I thank your softness and patience towards me I feel it and I'm grateful πŸ’–

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  96. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Hail Mary full of grace, my Mother, I love you. I am so blessed and thank your son Jesus for giving you to us as our mother. Please bring all my children and their families to know, love and serve Jesus your son and you as their mother.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  97. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Blessed mother Mary full of grace intercede for us! Mary full of grace intercede for heal my foot please blessed mother Mary!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  98. Anonymous3:38 AM

    My dear Mother Mary,
    daughter of Abba my father creator,
    mother of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our God on planet earth, you are the spouse of the Holy Spirit, I honor you and thank you for always patiently praying for us sinners , I request if you can please pray for my ailing health , especially my neuropathy and knees that are not healing.
    I request and hopefully the triune God will hear my prayers.
    I too believe that pain is redemptive and a way of sanctifying me, for the conversion of sinners , I am just an ordinary person trying to become a worker of God's kingdom on earth.
    Help me Ave Maria, I love you, and thank you for your prayers esp to those who believe nd pray to you ...

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  99. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Amen! This is good! Very informative and blessed.

    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Praise Jesus through and with our blessed Mother Mary! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  100. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Blessed Mother Mary mother most beautiful, most humble, most merciful, most kindness, have mercy on us! Please blessed mother help me! You what I want! Thank my mother for everything!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  101. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Blessed Mother pray for my family and me bring my granddaughters back, to the faith πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  102. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Thank you mother Mary, I love you and Jesus and Joseph, my holy family. Jesus is my Lord & Savior, my brother,

  103. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Our most loving mother please ask your intercession help my niece to be with me! Thank you loving mother πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  104. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Blessed Mary I pray for forgiveness of my sins which I know and those I don't know

  105. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for all my family bring them back to the church, grant the favor of my granddaughter. Michelle ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  106. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Good morning our merciful mother! Thank you I love the holy family! Thank you for everything!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  107. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Dearest mother Mary, thank you for past prayers answered. Continue to do for us what we pray for according to your will but not what we insist on. Thank you mother for loving us. Amen.

  108. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Dearest mother, please help my only surviving brother have safe travels and all who travel daily. Amen.

  109. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Mary most pure I love you so much ! I can never thank our Father enough for having chosen you to be the Mother of His Son, Jesus Christ. He paid the ultimate price on the cross to give us Salvation. I will continue praying the rosary. I place my family in your loving arms. ❤️‍πŸ”₯πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒ·AMEN

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  110. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for my family to be united and bless my granddaughter Michelle and her husband to have children πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  111. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Amen πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  112. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Amen πŸ™ thank you for the wishes and prayers

  113. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Blessed mother Mary please help whatever my plan guide me protect me! Thank you so much my everything mother Holy Spirit watch over me! I love Holy family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  114. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Blessed Mother help me to spread the rosary to my granddaughters they need your blessings πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  115. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Thank you for this. You do not know how it has helped me !!!!

  116. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Lord!! through the intercession of blessed virgin Mary, give me the grace to be a devotee of your beloved mother through the Holy Rosary

  117. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Thank you for Jesus and Mary. Thank you for another day of life.

  118. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Mother Mary Queen heaven and Earth! most beautiful! Most humble! Holy trinity please help me and give me one of my relatives to be with please Holy Spirit! Thank you so much!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  119. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Blessed Mother pray for my family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  120. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Dear Mother Mary, Queen of the Universe, thank you for listening too and answering my prayers. Prayer Works. Have patience and Faith ..

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  121. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Mother Mary ask your intercession please help for those people ask me to pray especially for those dying! We love you Holy family!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  122. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Our beautiful l love you. Pls keep interceding for me, my husband, my children,, my siblings, my family members and my deceased parents, my sisters, my nephew , all my deceased family members and all souls in purgatory. Amen and Amen. I love you so much.
    Love Bernadette Nwaogu.

  123. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hello mother. Please send me the holy spirit to live in me and share all his gifts with me. Please heal and restore my knee to normal. Thanks mother. πŸ™πŸ™ Amen

  124. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for all my family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  125. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Thank you, Dearest Mother Mary, my heart is so grateful to thee, I love thee so

  126. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Blessed Mary humble, merciful mother please I beg you ask your intercession ask your loving son please heal my foot so I can serve and glorify him! Thank you so much our mother Mary!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  127. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Blessed Mother Thank you for my blessings I will pray the rosary every day πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  128. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Thank you our Mother Mary for your intercession and help.

  129. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Thank you Blessed Mother for the Rosary. πŸ₯° I love you. Please pray for me to be a faithful and loving person.

  130. Anonymous7:14 AM

    YES, AMEN πŸ™

  131. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Blessed Mother Mary please beg your son! Come to me, Jesus my Lord, my Master! Have pity on us! Have pity on me, my Lord and my God! Thank for everything, without you I cannot do anything! Love you Holy Family!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  132. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Blessed Mother pray for my granddaughters to come back to the church, bless my granddaughter Michelle with children God’s will be done πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  133. Anonymous9:48 PM

    O blessed mother thank you so much for all maternal protection, to me and to my family. I thank you also the Almighty Father, to your Son Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit with all the blessing and mercy that we have received. Pls ask your son Jesus Christ to answer all my petition according to his will with your loving intercessions. Mama Mary, St. Joseph and Jesus, we love and thanks you for everything.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️❤️

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  134. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Blessed Mother I will pray the rosary every day will try to get my granddaughters to say it help me πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  135. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Blessed Mother Mary thank you so very much! For everythingπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  136. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Blessed mother help Donnie and I reconnect and reconcile our relationship.

  137. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Thank you most holy blessed mother for listening to me for being my mother for guiding me for interceding on my behalf for protecting me and my family, and delivering us from all evil. Thank you most blessed mother for all your blessings you have bestowed on me and on my family and for continuing to guide and protect us from all evil. Amen.

