Sunday, May 14, 2006

Gods Faithfulness

God’s Faithfulness

“He called the 12 disciples together and sent them out 2 by 2.  he gave them authority over the evil spirits and ordered them, “Don’t take anything with you on your journey except a stick – no bread, no beggar’s bag, no money in your pockets….”
(Mark 6: 7 – 8)

When I reflected on the above scripture in 1996, I wrote the following:

“Jesus called the 12 who were to be his friends and companions and sent them out to work.  I too believe that I have been called by Jesus to a life of friendship and companionship.  Jesus gave his friends the power to cast out devils.  Do I enjoy this power?  Lord, I do not think so.  I yearn for it.  Lord Jesus, tell me what to do to get it.

Those whom Jesus has called and given a mission, he wants them to be totally free of material encumbrances.  He wants them to be totally committed to the work.  As I prepare for the Enterprise, I remember that I am embarking on this in the name of Jesus.  I believe that Jesus will take care of all my needs, material, spiritual and social.  Thank you Jesus, for this comforting thought.  Lord, strengthen my faith.”

It is now 10 years since I wrote the above.  How has Jesus performed in taking care of my material, spiritual and social needs in the past 10 years?  Jesus has surpassed my expectations.  Only a couple of days ago, I had the opportunity to share this testimony with a fellow Christian who is in the wilderness at this time.

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