Monday, April 30, 2007

The Mass

What is the Mass?

It is the great mystery of our faith. The word mystery comes from the Greek word, mysterion which is translated by the Latin, sacramentum. It signifies a secret, something hidden and unknown. It could be a secret religious rite to which only the fully initiated are admitted.

What happens in the Mass is that God's mysterious plan, conceived from all eternity and brought to its fulfillment in his Divine Son's passion, death and resurrection is made present.

The Mass is a marvelous drama jointly produced by Christ and his Church.

During the Mass, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Communion. "Communion" has its roots in the Greek koinonia, which includes the notions of fellowship, unity, sharing and community. Communion is first with the Lord and from that to all believers.

The Bible and the Mass, Stravinskas

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