Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Instrument of punishment

"The instrument of one's sin are his instrument of his punishment." (Wisdom 11: 16) Revised English Bible

"One is punished by the very things by which one sins." (New Revised Standard Version)

"A man is punished by the very things through which he sins." (New American Bible)

"The agent of sin is the agent of punishment." (New Jerusalem Bible)

The above scripture came to me as a technical knockout when I read it during my desert experience 12 years ago. It sounded so true and I knew it was true. Reflections and observations of life since then have confirmed this gem of Bible truths. Although the scripture itself was etched into my memory, I lost the reference and did not discover it till today, 12 years after I discovered the scripture.

The full passage goes like this: "In return for the foolish imagination of those wicked people, which deluded them into worshiping reptiles incapable of reason, and mere vermin, you sent upon them in your vengeance mindless swarms to teach them that the instruments of someone's sin are the instruments of his punishment." (Wisdom 11: 15 – 16)

If the sin is love of money, money will be the instrument of punishment. If the sin is over indulgence with food or alcohol, food or alcohol will be the instrument of punishment.


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