Thursday, February 03, 2011

Fleeing God

“Where shall I go to escape your Spirit? Where shall I flee from your presence? If I scale the heavens you are there, if I lie flat in sheol, there you are.” (Psalm 139:7-8)
Why would anybody want to flee from God’s presence? The psalmist knows of course that God is everywhere. So it is pointless trying to flee from Him. The above scripture points to the futility of such an effort.
St. Theresa Avila wrote the following while reflecting on the omnipresence of God:
“You know already that God is everywhere. He is where the king is, in what they call the royal court. Heaven is wherever God is. You can believe without any doubt that wherever his majesty is, there is all his glory. Look and see what St. Augustine says, who looked for him in many places and found him within himself. It is no small thing that one who is given to know this truth would see that he has no need to go to heaven to talk to his Father God, to speak with him; that he has no need to raise his voice to converse with him. Wherever you speak, he will be close enough to hear. You do not need wings to go in search of him, you only need to be on your own and to find him within yourself; try not to make a stranger of so good a guest; with great humility, speak to him as you would to your father, petition him as you would your father, tell him of all your doings, ask him for his help to do good, knowing that you are not worthy to be his child” (Way of Perfection)

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