Monday, February 27, 2012

The acceptable time of 2012

"For he says: “In an acceptable time I heard you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2)

This is Lent 2012.  For many years now, Lent has become my favorite season of the year.  Most of the richest blessings in my life occurred during Lent.  For example, God healed me of addiction to tobacco during Lent.  My prayer habit and life were sown during Lent.  The fast from food and soda is good for my body.  The increased prayer time is good for my soul.  The almsgiving is good for my pocket.  It helps to convince me that God is a faithful provider and delivers me from the fear of want. 

For many years, I have fasted from television and this fast is wonderful and helps me focus on Lent and protects me from unnecessary distractions.  While I fasted in the past from television for the 40 day period of Lent, I had not necessarily fasted from news.  I could not resist the curiosity to know what is happening in the world, especially in an election year.   Both the radio and the Internet are rich sources of news today.

 Although my domain is in religion, I have known for a longtime that I am a political animal.  As I help to build the City of God, I am aware that I still live in the City of Man and must contribute my quota in making it good.  So it has been very difficult to fast from news.  Some years ago, I started the fasting on news and it was great for my soul.  At the end of Lent, joyful and light in mind and body, I wish I could continue the fast from news.  I know that like the other types of fast, it must now be controlled rather than totally eliminated so that I can do the greatest good with all the resources provided to me.

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