Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Unless your faith is firm, you shall not be firm!" (Isaiah 7: 9)

"Unless your faith is firm,  you shall not be firm!"  (Isaiah 7: 9)

Since I upgraded to  Lifejournal 3.0, I try  to use often the Pulse Input feature to measure how I stand on any particular day.  The Pulse Input measures the following variables on a scale of 1 to 10:  Mood, Stress, Energy, Health, Faith, Charity, Purpose, Contentment, Obedience.  After doing this exercise for several months, a pattern began to emerge.  I discovered that my mood, stress, energy, health, charity, purpose, contentment and obedience level is directly related to my faith level.  If my faith is high like 8 or 9,  my mood, energy, health, charity, purpose, contentment and obedience will be at least 7 and above.  My stress level is almost constant at 2.

Why is faith so important in influencing everything that goes on in the inner man?  The answer may well be found in Isaiah 7:9 where the word of God states, "Unless your faith is firm,  you shall not be firm!"  (Isaiah 7: 9)

Faith gives us access to God's promises of: Pardon, Peace, Power, Purpose, Presence, Protection and Provision.  You can call this, the 7 P's .  You receive in direct proportion to your faith.

Is there a way to increase faith?  Masters of the spiritual life have identified two key means:  Prayer and the Word of God.

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