Friday, October 28, 2016

I long to depart this life

"I  long to depart this life and be with Christ, [for] that is far better."  (Philippians 1:23 NABRE)

Are you one of those who have put down deep tap root on earth?  Do you find the thought of death and leaving behind everything you worked so hard for disarming?  This was me not long ago.  Then I started reading the word of God and found it is life-changing.

Listen to Paul :  "For to me life is Christ, and death is gain."  (Philippians 1: 21 NABRE)  

David in Psalm 42 expresses the same prayer:  "My soul is thirsting for the living God.  As the hinds long for running waters, so my soul longs for You, O God.  When shall I go and behold the face of God?"

Pray for the grace of hope.

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