Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Encourage one another to persevere in the Christian walk.

"Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil and unfaithful heart, so as to forsake the living God." (Hebrews 3: 12).

An evil and unfaithful heart is one that conveniently forgets all that God has done for him. He is not constant in prayer nor steadfast with acts of devotion.

The word of God wants us to be our brother's keeper.  "Encourage yourselves daily while it is still “today,” so that none of you may grow hardened by the deceit of sin."  (Hebrews 3: 13). The lure and the lust of sin are everywhere. This is why the ministry of encouragement is sorely needed in the Church today.

Never forget that without perseverance and constancy we cannot make it to the Kingdom of God. "We have become partners of Christ if only we hold the beginning of the reality firm until the end."  (Hebrews 3: 14).

Brothers and sisters, encourage one another with prayers and the word of God.

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