Thursday, April 02, 2020

Do you believe you are god?

"Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” (John 10: 34).

Friday 3rd April 2020 of the 5th week of Lent is also First Friday in April.

Our Scripture pick for today says that we are gods. Do you believe that you are a god or can become a god? Let us see:

Our journey to becoming god started in the free grace God offered us in Baptism. Baptism makes us adopted sons and daughters of God. We become the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ and the beloved children of God. Romans 8 says that those who are called through Baptism and accepts their call through faith are justified by God. That is, they are made righteous or holy. Holiness is an attribute of God. And those justified receive the Holy Spirit and are glorified by God to become like His Son Jesus. Jesus, the unique and only begotten Son of God is glorified through the Cross. We too are becoming like Jesus and before we are fully transformed will be glorified through the Cross.

What is the end game in all this? The Holy Spirit comes to us with His gifts and fruits. These gifts and fruits are the characteristics and attributes of God. Exercising these gifts and fruits make us not just godlike but gods. Those who make it to eternal life will have the properties of God.

Daily Bible Verse @

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