Sunday, May 17, 2020

You too Oscar will be my witness.

"The Spirit of truth will be my witness; and you too will be my witnesses." (John 15: 26,27).

Monday 18th May 2020, 6th Week in the Easter Season is also the feast of Pope St John 1 (+ 526), Martyr. Pope St John 1 opposed the Arian heresy and bore witness that Jesus is true God and true Man. He was cast into prison where he died of ill treatment.

"The Spirit of truth will be my witness; and you too will be my witnesses," says Jesus in His Last Supper Discourse. Have you ever thought of the possibility that you too will bear witness to Jesus Christ? I winced when I heard preachers say that the world has changed and the age of martyrdom and bearing witness was over. How wrong they are! St Oscar Romero, Archbishop of El Salvador was shot to death while celebrating Mass in the Chapel in 1980.

The English Hierarchy during the reign of King Henry VIII thought that all was safe. They woke up one morning and were asked to deny their faith under pain of death. Only the Bishop St John Fisher resolved to imitate Pope St John I whose feast we celebrate today. The Hierarchy of the Church today does not seem to have a strategy for known historical anomalies like worldwide pandemics. Wake up. Read the Scriptures. Study Church history and pray a lot.

"I will be a witness to You in the world O Lord.  I will spread the knowledge of your name among my brothers, Alleluia! " (Psalm 18:50;  22 :23).

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