Thursday, June 03, 2021

Jesus is the Son of David.

"As Jesus was teaching in the temple area he said, “How do the scribes claim that the Messiah is the son of David?" (Mark 12: 35).

Friday 4th June 2021, in the 9th Week in Ordinary Time is the First Friday of June. The entire month of June is dedicated to honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus with next Friday June 11th being the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

From our lead Scripture today, we ask: What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of David? Jesus posed the question as He taught in the Temple to correct the erroneous and simplistic assumptions of the teachers of the people. The "Son of David" appears in the Messianic Psalm 110: 1:

"A psalm of David.
The Lord says to my lord:
“Sit at my right hand, while I make your enemies your footstool.”

While the meaning is fairly obvious to us today after 2000 years of Christianity, it was not at all evident to the Jews who heard Jesus. The evocation of "Son of David" brings a rush of patriotic fervor to their hearts. David was the master statesman of Israel who had no equal.

The Son of David simply means that Jesus Christ is 100% Man and 100% God. Who will blame the Jews for not understanding this. It took the Church centuries and multiple Church councils to settle the Christological controversies generated by the gross misunderstanding of the true nature of Christ. Pastors across denominations still patiently explain to their flock that Jesus Christ is truly God and truly Man.
It is one thing to proclaim it in the Creed, it is a different matter to understand it and use the knowledge as part of your living faith.

"I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man."

Who is the Son of David? He is Christ the Lord.

Daily Bible Verse @

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