Thursday, October 07, 2021

Weep for your priests.

"Gird yourselves and weep, O priests! wail, O ministers of the altar! Come, spend the night in sackcloth, O ministers of my God! The house of your God is deprived of offering and libation. Proclaim a fast, call an assembly; Gather the elders, all who dwell in the land, Into the house of the Lord, your God, and cry to the Lord!"  (Joel 1:13 - 15; 2:1).

Friday 8th October 2021, in the 7th Week in Ordinary Time. We shall honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our devotiins.

In our key Scripture for today, the Prophet rang out a dire warning to priests and all ministers of the Altar. Weep, wail, spend the night in sackcloth. Do your pastors need to hear these words? Now listen my fellow Christians.

No priest, No Eucharist.
No Eucharist, No Church.

Satan's design for the Church is no longer a secret.

#1. Infiltrate the Church with lying lips who have political agenda.
#2. Strike the priesthood with a mortal blow.
#3. Attack the magisterium with a withering, coordinated campaigns.
#4. Once the mighty Roman Church totters, wipe out the remnants with a mop up operation.

St Paul teaches that every prophecy in the Bible is there to warn us and prepare us for what will happen. Jesus says in Revelation 19: 10, "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."  What the word prophesies will happen.

What shall we do brothers and sisters?
#1. Repentance and Sacramental Reconciliation.
#2. Prayer and the Eucharist.

"Reparation is at the heart of this work: adoring Me for the priests who do not adore Me; seeking Me for those who flee from before My Face; trusting Me for those who place all their trust in themselves and in the ways of the world. Above all, love Me. Love Me for the sake of those priests of Mine whose hearts have grown cold. Priests must offer themselves as victims for their brother priests. This is how I intend to purify, and heal, and sanctify, and restore the beauty of holiness to My priesthood: by associating victim priests to My own Sacrifice renewed on the altar, and by taking the offering of their sufferings into My own, so as to make them co-redeemers with Myself, co-redeemers of those priests who must be brought back from the distant regions of sin where Satan has held them captive for too long."  (IN SINU JESU, Friday, July 10, 2009).

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