Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lord Jesus, Your divine word said here can heal my servant.

"When Jesus entered Caper­naum, a centurion ap­proa­ch­ed him and appealed to him, saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, suffering dreadfully.” Jesus said to him, “I will come and cure him.” The centurion said in reply, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed.” (Matthew 8: 5..... 11).

Why does Jesus praise the faith of the Centurion?  Faith is a rare commodity and one of the greatest gifts of God.  The opposite of faith is Unbelief and Doubt.

How does faith work?  Jesus said to the Centurion:  “I will come and cure him.” The Centurion heard this and believed.  The faith of the Centurion is much deeper.  He said to Jesus: 'No need to come to my house.  Just heal my servant with a word said right here, right now.'

I was a Christian for many years before I understood what faith means.  I remember that the first time I came to realize that faith means believing or trusting in what God says to us, I was surprised.  It sounded so simple.  My immediate reaction to this was:  “Would anybody doubt what God says?”  In fact, we disbelieve and doubt God always.

How did the Centurion come by his faith?  He applied  his experiences as a senior Roman officer to understand how God's power works. God's word is a divine command. For example: "Go, Come, Do this, Don't do that." St Hildegard of Bingen, Physician, Theologian and Doctor of the Church calls the word of God a Divine Command. This is why our faith contains our obedience.

Faith comes from hearing and believing the promises of God.  As you obey the Divine Command your faith  grows.

Happy Advent!

"Why do you think I have spoken to you so often of My Eucharistic Face? It is because “face” signifies “presence.” The devotion to My Eucharistic Face is the remedy to the loss of faith in My real presence that has swept through My Church at every level, extinguishing the fire of Eucharistic charity and causing even My elect, My priests, to grow cold and distant from Me. This is My word to you tonight and this is why I brought you to this place. Any loneliness you may feel is an invitation to seek Me out in the Sacrament of My divine friendship and to console My Eucharistic Heart." (IN SINU JESU, Sunday, October 19, 2008 Saint Paul of the Cross).

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