Saturday, December 04, 2021

Trust Me with the timing of ALL THINGS.

"I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 1: 4....11).

Sunday December 5th 2021 in the 2nd Week of Advent.

If you read the Scripture servings for this Sunday, what message do you get from the word of God? I get  joy. In fact, I am very joyful because of what the Lord did for me today.
I took this message of Jesus from IN SINU JESU as a personal gift:

I am waiting on Jesus for a couple of things. Jesus spoke to me again through the 2nd Reading from Philippians 1:
"I am confident of this,
that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."

I know that Jesus began the good work I am doing in catechesis and evangelization. I have often wondered: "Lord, what is the next step?" The answer came early this morning:

Lord Jesus, You are the faithful and true Witness. Your promises are my armor, my protection and my wealth. Deepen my faith, hope and love this Advent 2021, O Jesus.

"He will come in the end, he will not deceive: wait, he will surely come without delay.
Only a little while now, a very little while, and the One that is coming will have come. Wait, he will surely come without delay."  (Responsory from the Office of Reading).

"At the right time the path will open before you, and you will have a great joy in following it. Everything will be clear, because all will have been prepared in advance by the foresight of My merciful love and by the interventions of My most holy Mother. On that day you will have nothing to fear. Live these days in a pressing, constant prayer. Draw closer to My Sacred Heart. Drink from the refreshing streams of My love. Allow yourselves to be prepared by My secret but so efficacious action in you. Great graces are in store for you, but to receive them you must be very little, like children who have a limitless confidence in the love of their papa. When you seek to reason out everything, to know everything ahead of time, to control everything by human means, you keep Me from acting as the God of love that I am. I ask neither for ability nor for great preparations on your part; I ask only for confidence, your confidence in Me, in the love of My open Heart for each one of you." (IN SINU JESU, The Vigil of October 13th , Anniversary of the Great Miracle of Fatima.)

Daily Bible Verse@

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