Friday, April 05, 2024


April 1st , 2024  First Friday in April in the Octave of Easter. 

Jesus promised 12 special favors to all those who will honor His Sacred Heart especially on the First Friday of every month by attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion.  In the 4th month of the year 2024, we look at Promise #4. 

#4.  "They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death."

The key phrase in this promise is THE HOUR OF DEATH.  Death is a divine appointment in which there is no negotiation. 

I consider Promise #4 a great Promise.  St Augustine says:  "If you pray well, you live well. If you live well, you die well. If you die well, all is well."  To die well therefore is what every human being must desire.  

The Church declared St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin, patron saint of a Happy Death.  I believe in the Resurrection of the dead and life everlasting. The thought of dying no longer scares me. 

Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus THIS First Friday by attending Holy Mass and receiving the Eucharist. 

For the 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sacred Heart devotional prayers and prayer intentions click the link below:

1 comment:

  1. Victorio Theo9:35 AM

    Jesus, I trust in You!

