Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Devotion to St Joseph

Act of Consecration to St. Joseph


O dearest St. Joseph, I consecrate myself to your honor and give myself to you, that you may always be my father, my protector and my guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me a greater purity of heart and fervent love of the interior life. After your example may I do all my actions for the greater glory of God, in union with the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Blessed St. Joseph, pray for me, that I may share in the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen 

Memorare to St. Joseph

Remember, O most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who implored your help and sought your intercession were left unassisted. Full of confidence in your power I fly unto you and beg your protection. Despise not O Guardian of the Redeemer my humble supplication, but in your bounty, hear and answer me. Amen.


Litany of St. Joseph

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us,

Christ, graciously hear us. 

God the Father of heaven,

have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God,

have mercy on us. 

Holy Mary, pray for us.

St. Joseph

Renowned offspring of David,

Light of Patriarchs,

Spouse of the Mother of God,

Chaste guardian of the Virgin,

Foster father of the Son of God

Diligent protector of Christ

Head of the Holy Family

Joseph most just

Joseph most chaste

Joseph most prudent

Joseph most strong

Joseph most obedient

Joseph most faithful

Mirror of patience

Lover of poverty

Model of artisans

Glory of home life

Guardian of Virgins

Pillar of families 

Solace of the wretched

Hope of the sick

Patron of the dying

Terror of demons.

Protector of Holy Church

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Jesus.  

He made him the lord of his household

And prince over all his possessions.

Let us pray:

O God, in your ineffable providence you were pleased to choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of your most holy Mother; grant, we beg you, that we may be worthy to have him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our Protector: You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen. 

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Solemnity of St Joseph 32023 


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    St Joseph, please intercede for the health and healing and protection of my family.

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      St Joseph pray for us πŸ™✝️πŸ™

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Saint Joseph, protect and heal our nation and world from harm the enemy, bring peace. Protect our children and put an ending to all diseases. Heal Chriselda, in Jesus name I pray

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Amen πŸ™

    4. Anonymous5:06 AM


    5. Anonymous5:37 AM

      St. Josep pray for respect for all life and forgiveness to all I have offended

    6. Anonymous6:32 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    7. Anonymous5:00 PM


    8. Anonymous6:16 PM

      St Joseph pray for my bones to be free of cells of lymphoma. Amen

    9. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I am in a need of a good job. Please help me to land on a good job opportunity.

    10. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Saint Joseph Pray for Us. Amen

    11. Anonymous3:35 AM

      St Joseph pray for holiness in my family and total trust in God

    12. Anonymous5:07 AM

      My prayer is similar God Bless.

    13. Anonymous1:58 AM

      St Joseph please pray for Ira ,John, Brya, Humphrey,
      Anthony, Teresia, Laila, Grace and my siblings conversion. Pray for Mum and dad. Thank you St Joseph. Amen

    14. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed on me, dear St Joseph.

    15. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Saint Joseph Pray for Us. Amen

  2. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Please deliver Andre the Victory and end his struggles.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM


    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Please pray for my dad, he has cancer and he’s having a very rough time with the chemo.

  3. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Amen! Bless and protect my family always!

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM

    St Joseph, we pray for the strength and faithfulness of all fathers and men. Help them be good examples for our children. Protect the sanctity of manhood so our families may be healthy and strong to stand against all evil. Amen.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM


    2. Anonymous3:29 AM


    3. Anonymous7:20 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    4. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Amen πŸ™

    5. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Amen in Jesus name

  5. Anonymous6:19 AM

    St. Joseph, protect the world and the people in it, especially for those that are in war. Amen

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    St Joseph, please help my wife with her back. My grandson with his depression and anxiety. Help me St Joseph with the gout in my foot.

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    St Joseph pray for our healing body mind and spirit protect us from the evil spirits guide us always in making decision that is pleasing to your beloved son Jesus Christ Amen

    1. Anonymous3:31 AM

      AMEN pray for all people to always Honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    2. Anonymous6:33 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      St. Joesph pray for all married peopleπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™.

  8. Anonymous8:52 AM

    St Joseph, I humbly pray that you would intercede to our Father to banish the anxiety that afflicts my brother and sister. My brother has other health issues and has many prescription meds he must take and the anxiety just elevates and complicates and ‘messes’ with him physically, mentally and emotionally. The anxiety that afflicts my brother and sister impacts and greatly disrupts their family life…….St Joseph, please hear my prayer. In Jesus name I pray.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Amen

    2. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Amen πŸ™

    3. Anonymous6:32 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Saint Joseph pray for usπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  10. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Saint Joseph please pray my siblings especially Emma and Arlene who addicted of grumbling! Thank you saint Joseph πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  11. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Saint Joseph I pray for all the Fathers in the family, so that he guide and bring up the family together in every way.

  12. Anonymous11:00 PM

    St Joesph protect my kids at college. Amen!

  13. Anonymous12:31 AM

    I trust and believe that St Joseph will accept my request for interceptions in my prayers above. In return I pledge to honor him through prayers in the the remaining days of the month of March this year.

  14. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Saint Joseph, let me husband know that he is truly loved. He feels abandoned by his earthly father and needs a role model of peace, patience and understanding. Help him to be the best husband and father that he can be so that our family will be strong together. Amen

  15. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Saint Joseph, intercede on behalf of my husband. Ask the father to call Justin to His church. St. Joseph pray for my husbands conversion to the one true faith.

  16. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Saint Joseph have mercy on me and drive my sexual thoughts from me and end my torment

  17. Anonymous4:48 AM

    St. Joseph please bring peace to my son’s marriage that he and his wife will always be able to resolve their differences in a peaceful respectful and forgiving way. St Joseph pray for us. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  18. Anonymous4:52 AM

    St Joseph, please pray for my prodigal daughter.

  19. Anonymous5:51 AM

    St Joseph be with me when Jesus calls me home.. Thank you Jesus for this day and thank you for getting me up this morning

  20. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Amen πŸ™ Amen πŸ™

  21. Anonymous6:34 AM

    πŸ™πŸ™ Dearest Saint Joseph, I pray for your intercession and prayers to our Heavenly Father, The Holy Spirit, and our Lord Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother to save the soul of my husband. Help him to become a believer. Save the souls of my daughter and her husband and their daughter. And save the soul of my oldest daughter and her fiance. I pray for the saving of my soul as well. Help us all to do God’s will with our lives. I pray for world peace, the end of abortion and trafficking. I pray for help for the imprisoned, the homeless, the widows and orphans. Pray for our protection against all evil. πŸ™ Amen πŸ™

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      AMEN! We So desperately need our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; Saint Joseph please pray for all children to be baptized ; I have six great grandchildren of which their parents have not had baptized; my heart aches for them and their parents who have left the church ; please pray for their return and our protection against all evil: Amen

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Lord hear our prayers πŸ™πŸ»

    3. Anonymous6:35 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  22. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Saint Joseph I pray for forgiveness & peace between my children & take away jealousy & pride. Show them true happiness. in a family &

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Please StJoseph I have same problem with my children and brother, Thank you StJoseph

  23. Anonymous6:56 AM

    St Joseph please heal my son from his depression and heal my husband he has many health challenges. Bless all my brothers amen ..

  24. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Please St Joseph help me in my prayer and ask for the three grand daughters to become a mommy

  25. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I pray for you all who have anguish in your mind and a cross on your shoulder. Keep praying, with a deep faith and Trust in Jesus, Mary, Joseph and our saints. It may take a lil time but your prayers will be answered if you have Faith and Trust.

    1. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Thank you for your prayers and hope for humankind πŸ™πŸΌ

  26. Anonymous7:59 AM

    St Joseph please intercede for my daughter to be released from addiction and for her healing and conversion. And for all those that suffer with various addiction.

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Amen, my daughter as well and all those who suffer.

  27. Anonymous8:52 AM

    St. Joseph pray that the men in my family bring there family’s back home to your sons chuch … help use to convert Veasna so the Hout family can be one in our lord Jesus Christ. I ask this in Jesus name.

  28. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Jesus I trust in you. πŸ™ Amen

  29. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Saint Joseph pray for my family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  30. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Saint Joseph pray ALL my co-worker friends and relatives.
    Thank you saint Joseph! I love you Love the holy family.

  31. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Please heal my body from this (these) incurable condition. Please heal my soul and mind.

  32. Anonymous4:57 PM

    St. Joseph, please make my h- pure and where I can reside. Please restore.

  33. Anonymous5:28 PM

    St Joseph I HUMBLY PLEAD to you for a happy and peaceful death ( I am a loner) Amen

  34. Anonymous6:11 PM

    St Joseph please help me with the pain in my head, my body, shelter, job.

  35. Anonymous10:44 PM

    St.Joseph please pray for my family to united prayer and give us the forgiveness for each one of Us and to end the conflict and division gift Us the compassion to better understand each other

  36. Anonymous1:50 AM

    St Joseph, I pray for good health, wellbeing & healing of my husband. Please bless, guide & protect him daily in his work life & in his role as husband & father. Thank you.πŸ™πŸΌ

  37. Anonymous1:53 AM

    St Joseph thank you for finding the perfect place for my daughter to live. I pray for her continued healing and restoration of her body, mind and spirit. And renewal of her faith. Thank you for so many answered prayers.

  38. Anonymous1:56 AM

    St Joseph, I pray for your intercession in the smooth sale of my mother’s property, without impediment or problems. We need your assistance & guidance & we thank you in advance for your help.

  39. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Please help intercede to our Lord Most High for a small financial help so that we may afford a home for ourselves soon. Please guide us to find one & also for our daughter who is also looking. With your help St Joseph, we are sure of success. Thank you St Joseph.πŸ™πŸΌ

  40. Anonymous3:28 AM

    St Joseph please intercede for me . Help my youngest son be successful in his new venture. Also heal relationships between my daughter and my oldest son . Help my daughter in law become a better person and more humble. Thank you in Jesus name .

  41. Anonymous3:30 AM

    St Joseph please intercede for me for healing of my eye disease. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  42. Anonymous4:43 AM

    St. Joseph, please intercede for Ighocha. May he be vindicated. May he have a second chance to make things, right. AmenπŸ™πŸ½

  43. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Dear St.Joseph bring my husband back to the church.

  44. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Saint Joseph thank you for loving Mary and Jesus! Saint Joseph please pray my families.

  45. Anonymous5:58 AM

    St Joseph pray for me that I have the skill to parent Tilli Pray that Libby finds it in her heart to forgive and reunite with me pray for Amber Danny and August Pray for Chloe for healthy body and talent that the lord has given her. Pray for Dave and I to find comfort in the lord. This I pray Amen

  46. Anonymous6:36 AM

    St. Joseph pray for our children to return to the Catholic Church and peace in our family πŸ™πŸ»

  47. Anonymous8:52 AM

    At Joseph I pray to you for the safety of my whole family, protect us from evil. And heal us whatever sickness we have. AmenπŸ™

  48. Anonymous9:46 AM

    St Joesph obtain for my children the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit especially fear of God, wisdom and knowledge. Amen!

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    2. Anonymous4:06 AM

      Saint Joseph please pray for my children & niece to remove the affliction of addiction & alcoholism from them, & for my son & daughter that they may be exonerated from the charges made against them.

  49. Anonymous10:19 AM

    St Joseph, pray for all families. Amen

  50. Anonymous10:19 AM

    St. Joseph please help πŸ™Chitoo to receive healing psychologically, physically, emotionally and to return to a deep πŸ™ prayer life in Christ Jesus πŸ™ .Amen.

  51. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Saint Joseph pray for all my family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  52. Anonymous4:50 PM

    St Joseph please grant me what I need

  53. Anonymous9:28 PM

    My dear St Joseph,please intercede for the conversion and healing of all families,and to bring peace into our country,free all nations from crime and corruption,may we have a peaceful election this May in South Africa,Amen

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Amen! Hear us oh Lord

  54. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Dearest Holy Father St Joseph please intercede for me to your foster child Sweet Jesus. I am praying for healing from cancer. Also that my family returns to the Catholic Church. I pray my daughter and husband get my little granddaughter baptized.
    For these prayers I humbly ask . Amen

  55. Anonymous10:10 PM

    St Joseph please intercede for dad to receive full healing from cancer and all the diseases in his body. Amen

  56. Anonymous11:09 PM

    St Joseph please pray for my sister and her daughter, pray also for my family.

  57. Anonymous1:25 AM

    St Joseph pls intercede for us to heal my son who has substance addiction to seek help, save his marriage , for the children not to be affected , peace in their home and marriage and for them to live like the Holy Family of Nazareth.

  58. Anonymous1:45 AM

    St Joseph pls intercede for unity and peace in my family . May the Lord drive away all snares of the enemies , evil projections attacking me and family. May the Lord grant us healing in our various illnesses to my husband who has prostate cancer and other health issues,
    health of mind and body to my husband and I ,God’s protection to every member of my family through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  59. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Saint Joseph pray πŸ™ for peace in the world!
    Thank you saint Joseph,

  60. Anonymous7:00 AM

    St. Joseph, please pray for my husband Mike to be healed in his heart, his mind. Please pray that his heart will turn back to Jesus

  61. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Thank you st Joseph

  62. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Saint Joseph please pray for our son in law Stacy who is battling cancer.

  63. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Saint Joseph help my husband kidney and help him to be able to sleep. Also to Saint Joseph help be fine the right doctor to heal my right shoulder. Amen

  64. Anonymous11:05 AM


  65. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Saint Joseph help my daughter Sandi family to be united and faithful πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  66. Anonymous9:02 PM

    St. Joseph pray for our family that we may forgive each other and live in peace.

  67. Anonymous9:30 PM

    St Joseph please pray for my family and my grand children. Please pray to Jesus for healing me from all the afflictions. Lord and help me from all the many many medication I have mercy on me. I cannot walk do to severe.
    Forgive me my sins and heal me I pray in the mighty name af Jesus. Amen. pains in my body. am suffering

  68. Anonymous9:49 PM

    St Joseph, father of holys, intercede for me.

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  69. Anonymous2:30 AM

    St Joseph, I pray for your intercession for my daughter to be completely healed from her physical ailments & to regain her clarity, confidence, strength & mental health. Please lead her to a better job, with good mentors, an environment that believes in work/life balance & develops her to grow & accomplish her goals in life. Thank you St Joseph.πŸ™πŸΌ

  70. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Dear Holy St. Joseph, thank you very much for your protection of us all, God’s holy people through out our earthly journeys. Please continue to protect and guard us all from evil and never leave our side, l pray. Please protect us all. Thank You, Holy Saint Joseph, father of Christ. πŸ™πŸΎπŸ› Amen.

  71. Anonymous6:14 AM

    St. Joseph, give to all step fathers the heart you have for Jesus.

  72. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Saint Joseph, in-the name of Jesus Christ and the will of my Heavenly Father please please help and intercede for my brother to overcome the anxiety that he is feeling that he is experiencing. Please that his is anxiety and all that causes it will be eradicated, diminished. In Jesus name I pray, much love and Thanksgiving

  73. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Dear Saint Joseph, pray for my daughter and for all the young people in my family for the virtue of chastity, self-control, self-worthy, self-denial. Amen!!

  74. Anonymous7:49 AM

    St Joseph please intercede for my son and his wife and their baby boy on the way, amen πŸ™πŸ»

  75. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Saint Joseph pray for healing for my family and friends! Thank you saint Joseph πŸ™πŸ™

  76. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Saint Joseph pray for πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  77. Anonymous3:46 PM

    St Joseph Thank you for your yes to God. Please intercede for me to Our Heavenly God Our Father for my family especially my daughter Maeghan who battles addictions. Release her from these addictions through Jesus Christ. Amen

  78. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Dearest Saint Joseph,
    Please ask our Heavenly Father for a miracle for my grandson whose name is Joseph and special blessings for all my family, living and deceased. Thank you!!

  79. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Dear St Joseph, beloved Gaurdian of my redeemer and chaste spouse of My Mother Mary and terror of demons, please intercede for me to your beloved christ, I a poor sinner. For the gift, mercy and blessing of holy Matrimony to a Holy spouse. So that I may no longer live in sin and to honour God and gloryfy him all the days of my life. And that this be his will for my life. St Joseph, whom Christ refuses nothing, please make haste to help me, sin, loneliness and darkness are taking over my life... Help me. Amen.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  80. Anonymous7:06 PM

    St Joseph, terror of demons, please be with my brother always. The devil is tormenting his soul daily. Give me the strength to always pray for him. Give everyone in the family the strength to see that we can over come all with prayers. Protect my family. God hear my prayer. Mother Mary please protect our family. All the saints and angels protect us. St Jude Thaddeus, intercede for us. St Bernadict, pray for us. St Philomena, pray for us. Amen

  81. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Intercede for my son

  82. Anonymous8:53 PM

    St Joseph please help my children to get along with each other. Help me with my pain, to endure it if no cure is available.
    In Jesus name. I pray. Amen.

  83. Anonymous11:39 PM

    St Joseph bless all our families. I also pray for my husband and son. Heal my son from all addiction and bring him back to the church. Amen

  84. Anonymous1:11 AM

    St. Joseph pray for purity and holiness in my family

  85. Anonymous2:10 AM

    St Joseph please pray for my family and protect them and bring them back to God that they should be reminded God is in control of all things and let them pray amen

  86. Anonymous2:10 AM

    St Joseph please pray for my family and protect them and bring them back to God that they should be reminded God is in control of all things and let them pray amen

  87. Anonymous3:45 AM

    St Joseph please protect Kayla and her mother.

  88. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Come Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts, Jesus the great healer, we need your healing mercy for Leslie.

  89. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Blessed St. Joseph, please pray that all of our children will return to the Catholic Church. Pray for their conversion and that of their significant others.
    Please pray for my marriage and that my husband will feel love in his heart again. Thank you.

  90. Anonymous5:42 AM

    St. Joseph. I pray for my entire family to open our hearts to the will of God. St. Joseph intercede for us. St. Joseph pray for us.

  91. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Saint Joseph thank you for loving our Lord and blessed mother!
    Saint Joseph for my family’s.

  92. Anonymous7:54 AM

    St Joseph please intercede for all my family to mend our broken relationship, in Jesus name amen

  93. Anonymous9:06 AM

    St Joseph, please guide the hands of the surgeon who’ll perform the surgery on my son, Mark on Monday. I pray that he’ll have a successful surgery and all the cancer cells are removed and my son will be free from cancer and not a trace of it is left behind. Help him have a smooth recovery and he’ll gain back his good health. Amen! I also pray for my son, Matt that he’ll be completely healed from depression and he’ll succeed in his studies in med school and be a successful doctor to continue to serve you! Amen!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  94. Anonymous10:45 AM


  95. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Dear St Joseph, please help my wife find a new job soon.

  96. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Saint Joseph, please pray for my daughter that she get custody of her nephews. Pray that she graduates in September from nursing school. Please intercede that she may be blessed with her tax return this year. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  97. Anonymous6:49 PM

    St Joseph please give my son guidance in treating his wife and daughters, Amen

  98. Anonymous9:32 PM

    St Joseph intercede for all my male cuzins who are all fathers to be true Christians and good parents to their children

  99. Anonymous12:55 AM

    St. Joseph, please intercede and pray for my husband for guidance of his decisions and protection of his health. Pray to increase his faith in our Lord and be humble and surrender everything to Him, in Jesus name. Amen

  100. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Saint Joseph please pray for me to be able to have a visa to travel abroad..Amen

  101. Anonymous1:02 AM


  102. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Saint Joseph please pray for my dad who is alcoholic, his drinking has caused a lot of pain and division in my family. Pray ohh St Joseph that the spirit of alcohol will be completely uprooted and destroyed in his body and bring peace to my family. Thank you st Joseph. Amen

    1. Anonymous4:13 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  103. Anonymous4:02 AM

    St Joseph pray for me , my wife and kids and
    family. Intercede for healing , wisdom , protection , guidance, direction and Devine grace and providence , prosperity, long life and success for us . Intercede for the sick, poor , destitute , lonely, unemployed, world , unmarried, childless, pregnant women, immigrants, travelers, prisoners of war /conscience, parents , etc Amen

    1. Anonymous4:12 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  104. Anonymous5:00 AM

    St Joseph please assist us with our plan to relocate our residence closer to my daughter’s house. Helps us find a fair buyer & broker on the sale of our house My daughter needs assistance in the care of a year old daughter Please intercede for us in Jesus name

    1. Anonymous4:12 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  105. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Saint Joseph pray peace of the world! Thank saint Joseph!

  106. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Saint Joseph please pray that our children and grandchildren will know and love Jesus in a real and personal way and our children’s spouses. Please pray for our country that it will turn back to God!

  107. Anonymous2:12 PM


  108. Anonymous7:23 PM

    St Joseph protect my family and help with prayer to heal any illness. Keep me going Lord✝️πŸ™❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  109. Anonymous8:34 PM

    St. Joseph pray for our priest to have a good communication to all parishioners at to act as He may have a good plans for youth and bless our church to have a united in prayer. Amen

  110. Anonymous1:27 AM

    St. Joseph please pray for me to get a nice scholarship abroad πŸ™ Amen

  111. Anonymous2:59 AM

    St Joseph please help my wife with her anxiety her physical pain. Please pray that our family may come back to the church. Please pray that I may help in pastoral care with the sick and dying.

  112. Anonymous5:23 AM

    St Josep please intercede for all my family, my children, my siblings, friends and neighbors, in Jesus name I pray.

  113. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Dear St Joseph please send the holy spirit to my son and his wife who are trying to conceive a child, thank you for your prayers and help Amen

  114. Anonymous7:17 AM

    St. Joseph please intercede for the healing of my mother. Pray that she will have strength to endure and be healed in God’s will. Amen

  115. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Saint Joseph pray my niece Mitzi! Thank you saint Joseph

  116. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Saint Joseph pray for me to make the right decisions to benefit my family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  117. Anonymous2:59 PM

    St. Joseph pray for deliverance from alcohol addiction

  118. Anonymous1:38 AM

    St Joseph. Pray for me and my family. To overcome sin, overcome demons and evil plans workingvin our lifestyle, to pay off all our debts and get our papers sorted. I pray for a new job, a new house and for blessings on my family. For my daughter to start talking and for blessings upon my children. Amen

  119. Anonymous1:42 AM

    St Jospeh, please intercede for my daughter to be healed of her skin condition. That it will disappear From this family and not reappear again. Pray she gets a new skin from our Lord Jesus. Amen

  120. Anonymous2:08 AM

    St. Joseph our foster father please πŸ™πŸ½ pray for my brother Francis. May God in his mercy forgive him his sins and heal his liver completely. May Jesus flush his organs with his blood for Devine healing. Amen πŸ™πŸ½

  121. Anonymous2:17 AM

    I pray for my son Albert as he go back to school for his masters degree. May God give him knowledge and understanding. May God make him to focus and go through the process with God’s help. πŸ™πŸ½

  122. Anonymous2:22 AM

    I pray for my daughter Carolyn that God will forgive her sins and have mercy on her for taking in alcohol. Alcoholism is sin. May the Holy Spirit arrest her to stop this habit. Lord here my prayer πŸ™πŸ½ Amen πŸ™πŸ½

  123. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Thank you Joseph for giving me Patience with myself and others πŸ™

  124. Anonymous4:31 AM

    St. Joseph, please intercede on my husbands behalf to your loving son. He is dealing with a succession with a sibling! Placing this at the cross, asking for blessings on my husband according to your will. Help heal his heart through this struggle. Amen

  125. Anonymous5:27 AM

    St. Joseph thank you for your unfailing intercessions, please grant me the grace of preserving my chastity from all that may harm it and protect with your fatherly care our families. Amen

  126. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Saint Joseph please pray peace of the world!

  127. Anonymous6:01 AM

    St. Joseph pray for the. Lord to block all heaviness from the evil spirits, from anything or any one in my family, my home and in my children’s home. Pray for God’s mercy and grace us. In name Amen

  128. Anonymous6:04 AM

    St. Joseph pray Healing for my family in Jesus name Amen

  129. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Prayer Works ! For 9 months I have been praying to the Holy Family and 7 Saints in my personal prayer group as I call it. Trust in the Lord. Keep your Faith strong. Prayer
    works !

  130. Anonymous8:46 AM

    St Joseph pray for the unity of my family,their prosperity and abundance in love peace and happiness. Let there be financial breakthroughs,opportunities,healing over each cell,tissue and organ. Pray your divine protection engulfs them and eternal mercy for their souls Thank you for the Love Grace and Mercy you have bestowed upon us by fostering and being a model father to Christ Jesus. May we all emulate and imitate your virtuous deeds.

  131. Anonymous10:04 AM


  132. Anonymous1:24 PM

    St joseph help me cope with my son who can't seem to control his anger, temper etc making it difficult to live with. Help me to learn what to do when this occurs and forgiveme

  133. Anonymous1:37 PM

    St joseph pls ask jesus to forgive me a sinner and ask him to help me understand my son. His anxiety,anger,stubbrness spitefull which is so difficult to kive with. Also help me find a condo for him. Thak you for interceding.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      YES, AMEN πŸ™

  134. Anonymous4:24 PM

    St Joseph please pray for me. Ask Jesus to bless my womb and a little baby forming within me soon.

  135. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Dear Saint Joseph,
    Please intercede for my family and ask Jesus for miracles of healing for my family. Thank you!!

  136. Anonymous10:59 PM

    St Joseph thank you for interceding in my prayers. Please intercede for my father a miraculous healing from cancer. Also for my mother today for a sound mind.

  137. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Tender and Loving St. Joseph, I ask for your prayers and intercession for the individual needs of my daughter, my family, and everyone on this forum. Ask for the Holy Spirit to descend upon us and bring us peace, grace, strength, and endurance that can only come from God. I ask you in the name of Christ, whom you tenderly held in your arms. Amen.

  138. Anonymous1:27 AM

    St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Foster father of Jesus Christ, Pray for me now and always. Amen πŸ™πŸ½

  139. Anonymous3:40 AM

    St. Joseph pray for us. God knows all my worries & my needs. Ask our Lord Jesus to forgive us for our sins and to have Mercy on us. In Jesus name Amen. πŸ™

  140. Anonymous5:41 AM

    St Joseph, spouse of the blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of Jesus Christ pray for me please for my foot healing so I can enjoy my work and to serve Jesus Christ! Thank you so much St Joseph πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  141. Anonymous6:05 AM

    StJoseph, please intercede on my husbands behalf as he is dealing with his parents succession. Sibling greed is hindering him to move forward, heal his heart through this. Give him peace. Ask our Lord to let his will be done for my husband. I thank you for answered prayers as I know you hear and answer them! AmenπŸ™

  142. Anonymous6:53 AM

    St. Joseph, please intercede for our son Michael, for hope, courage, wisdom, guidance and direction towards work/ employment. St Joseph please pray for us and our intention.

  143. Anonymous8:37 AM

    St Joseph protect my marriage and bring my spouse and I on the path of reconciliation.
    Please intercede for me to our Lord Jesus Christ for his mercy.

  144. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Saint Joseph pray for all my family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  145. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Saint Joseph, protect my family, keep them health and safe. Protect the people, I love and care about in my life. Also, bring peace to this nation. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  146. Anonymous3:29 PM

    St. Joseph pray for my family. Keep our hearts and mind open always ready and alert to accept your blessings. Pray for my Son Ian, guide and protect him

  147. Anonymous6:29 PM


  148. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Saint Joseph Pray for me and my family

  149. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Saint Joseph pray for me so I may have inner peace and all evil plans against fail. Pray for me as i actively seeking an employment to get a better job that will bring me closer to God

  150. Anonymous9:44 PM

    St Joseph pray for me during this time of tribulations having lost a job that I may find a better one that will always bring me closer to God

  151. Anonymous11:00 PM

    St Joseph, please intercede for me to our Lord Jesus Christ for mercy upon me, daddy and my entire family.

  152. Anonymous11:11 PM

    St Joseph please protect my son Christopher and complete healing as he is travelling back home today.

  153. Anonymous11:19 PM

    St Joseph please intercede for me about my marriage and bring my husband back home before my birthday this month. Thank you for answering my prayers.

