Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reject the spirit of fear, cowardice and indulgence.

"God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control."  (2 Timothy 1: 7 NABRE)

Do you watch the parades of the stars and  celebrities on television? Don't they all appear beautiful, content and very happy? What we do not see is the spirit of fear and cowardice that lurks in their hearts and minds.  St Paul reminds us that as Christians, Jesus Christ lives in our hearts and minds.  The spirit of Christ is opposed to the spirit of fear and cowardice which is the spirit of Satan.  We must be aware of this truth and reclaim fully our inheritance at all times.

Stir into flame constantly the gift of your sonship which you received when you became a member of the Household of God, Paul urged Timothy and us.
Reject the devil and all his lures and false promises.  Be ready at all times to bear your share of the the hardship for the new evangelization with the strength that comes from God.  (2 Timothy 1: 8)

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