Tuesday, January 07, 2020

I am with you. Do not be afraid.

“Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!” (Mark 6: 50).

Wednesday 8th January 2020 in the Season of Christmas. It was a terrifying scene. Utter darkness. Roaring waves. Although many of the Apostles were seasoned fishermen, they had never seen anything like this before. Where is Jesus? They left Him to dismiss the crowd.

"But when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and cried out." (Mark 6: 49). When we allow fear to overcome us, our eyes can see double. We see crouching tigers in the dark ready to spring on us where there is only an empty box.

How do the Christian deal with fear? The answer is all over the Gospel.
"I am with you always."
"Do not be afraid. It is I."
"Fear is useless. All you need is trust."

Consider the Sacrament of the Present Moment. This is a technique for remembering the Presence of Jesus through for example, the invocation of His name.
"When you remember Me, I will be present."

The name of Jesus is a bulwark against demons and fears.

Daily Bible Verse @

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