Wednesday, January 31, 2024




"Christ chose to be born and grow up in the bosom of the holy family of Joseph and Mary. The Church is nothing other than "the family of God." From the beginning, the core of the Church was often constituted by those who had become believers "together with all [their] household." When they were converted, they desired that "their whole household" should also be saved. These families who became believers were islands of Christian life in an unbelieving world." (1655 CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH). 

Consecration of the Family to the Holy FAMILY PRAYER. 

"Joseph, hallowed domestic life by Your ineffable virtues; grant that, with the assistance of both, may be taught by the example of Your holy Family and may attain to its everlasting fellowship; Who lives and reigns world without end. AMEN. "— Roman Missal.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    As the month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family let us pray for love, joy, good Health, peace and unity among all the families.

    1. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Thank you Jesus ❤️🙏✝️

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM


    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Despite the desecration of Peace in the world today Lord; please let us be the ones who promote our faith in you. Let me be the strength and humility for my family just like St.Joseph.

    4. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Thank you Holy Family of our Lord Jesus Christ for your prayers to be Humble and Faithful in our prayers to you Heavenly Father !

    5. Anonymous12:12 AM

      Dear lord in this month of the holy family bring back those in my own family who have strayed from the practise off their faith

    6. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Dear God, please bring back my daughter to regular mass attendance. I’m so thankful for the Holy Family pure example. Jesus, I trust and love you.

    7. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Father God, as this month is the month of holy family, make my own family holy by bringing back to church those who have abondened it. Please bring them back to you Lord. Amen

    8. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Thank you Jesus Mary and Joseph

    9. Anonymous5:41 AM

      YES, AMEN 🙏

    10. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Dear lord through the intercession of the holy family make my family a place to find peace and love that we may walk together in spirit amen

    11. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Dear Holy Mary, as you've graciously and protectively looked after your son Jesus Christ, I also humbly seek same from you in these critical moments in my life . Amen

    12. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Praying for My niece Mukobe Prudence Spaita and her husband Matthew Kalyati having challenges in their marriage that the good Lord in his mercy he may speedly intervene,for he hates divorce.Malachi 2:16.Asking for the intercession of the holy family.

    13. Anonymous5:14 AM


    14. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Help me to completely surrender all my family cares and issues to you Lord. I love you Jesus.

    15. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Amen. May God bless and change the hearts and minds of those in our families that have fallen astray and bring them back to God. Amen.

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Father thank You for the previous month. Unit my family in Your Love. Give us a steadfast faith as that of Mary and Joseph who are the model of the Holy Family. Receive our prayers in your mighty Name Amen

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM


    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Amen 🙏

    3. Anonymous6:43 AM

      YES, AMEN 🙏

    4. Anonymous9:52 AM

      I pray for my family to come back to the Lord

    5. Anonymous4:40 AM

      🙏🏽 Amen 🙏🏽

    6. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Amen 🙏

    7. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Amen and Amen

    8. Anonymous1:19 AM

      I pray for God's mercy upon me God please help me to have faith and believe that you are going to heal me

    9. Anonymous7:03 AM


    10. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Lord this month of Holy family I pray for my family to come back to church because where two or three are gathered you are there in their midst bless Barnard family as they receive their gc help them in all their plans for Kevin my prayers to you is he comes back to church and have good company not to be driven by pier pressures I pray this believing in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ Amen

  3. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Amen 🙏

  4. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Hi, Can you please resend to me 31/1/24 daily bible verse page

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

  5. Anonymous4:04 AM


  6. Anonymous4:16 AM


  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I pray for all families, especially those whom are broken or estranged that they may seek The Holy Family as an example, and love and forgive one another, as God loves and forgives us.

  8. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Let us love not only within our immediate families but also those in need as we honor the Holy Family.

  9. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Thank you holy family! I love you so very much.

  10. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Lord Jesus make our family humble and blessed with your love🙏🙏🙏🙏

  11. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I pray Jesus that my family all live in peace with one another and worship together as a family. I pray that those who left our church return and attend Sunday Mass.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      YES, AMEN 🙏

    2. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Yes Amen

    3. Anonymous7:29 AM


    4. Anonymous2:15 AM

      I'm praying that same prayer as you prayed, may God hears our requests coz we wanted a family that worships and praises God together as one
      for we are under to only one Shepherd, that is our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

    5. Anonymous7:39 AM

      YES, AMEN 🙏

  12. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Anonymous Lord touch my Grandson guide him enlightened his mind and soul.Amen

    1. Anonymous12:42 AM

      Yes. Amen.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Oh Lord, I thank you for bringing back my sons to the church

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM


    4. Anonymous5:29 AM


  13. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Lord touch all my family with your grace and love so that they can live in faith and good health ...

  14. Anonymous8:04 PM


  15. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I pray for my family, especially for the treatment to be undertaken by upper week, Lord God grant it a success. We trust and hope in you.

  16. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Dear Jesus,Mary and Joseph...please help our family to be just a little bit like your family..

  17. Jimmy B.7:27 AM

    GOD THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR BLESSINGS AND NEVER GOVING UP ON ME AND MY FAMILY...AMEN Thank you for every new day and more to come as well as the lessons I have learned and more to learn and to share..Amen

  18. Anonymous8:23 AM

    🙏 Amen

  19. Anonymous8:23 AM

    🙏 Amen

  20. Anonymous9:45 PM

    MySweet Jesus Christ,Mary and Joseph, I thank for having my sister help me with thy assistance to care for my spouses needs, do her being bed ridden. My Sister Sugar was with me from 21 January 2024 to 3 February 2024. My daughter Dianne took over for Sugar. Dianne is now assisting me with Adriana. MySweet Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph good night. Until tomorrow morning. Amen

    1. Anonymous11:09 PM

      MySweet Jesus Christ, I thank you for this beautiful Friday. MySweet Jesus Christ continue giving me strength to always complete all of my responsibilities in helping Adriana. I give you thanks for having my daughter Dianne assist me with all of my assignments. MySweet thank you continue helping Dianne accomplish all of her requirements for her Job, and with thy assistance helping me with my needs and my spouse Adriana. MySweet Jesus Christ,Mary and Joseph good night. Until tomorrow morning. Amen.

    2. Anonymous11:32 PM

      MySweet Jesus Christ,I thank you for this beautiful Saturday. Lord Jesus Christ with thy assistance my daughter Dianne prepare a meal for my siblings, Sandra sister in law and Us. Lord Jesus Christ it was wonderful to share your bounty that you help Dianne,Sugar, Alexis and Sandra. Lord Jesus Christ I thank for giving me strength to accomplish my requirements of the day. MySweet Jesus Christ,Mary and Joseph good night. Until tomorrow morning. Amen

    3. Anonymous10:24 PM

      MySweet Jesus Christ, I thank you for this beautiful Tuesday. My Lord Jesus Christ with thy assistance and your always powerful vision, you help me with my spouse Adriana as she was transported to Hospice care heath. While she is at hospice I will be getting my left knee full replacement on 15 February 2024. Lord Jesus Christ I thankful for you bringing my daughter Dianne to assist me during my down time. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the safely arrival of Susanne and Nadia, Adriana’s daughters. My Lord Jesus Christ with thy watch full optics you will continue to guide Us on all of the responsibilities that we must accomplish. MySweet Jesus Christ,Mary and Joseph good night. Until tomorrow morning. Amen

  21. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Dear Lord please help my grandson to get a job, and guide him the right way. Amen

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Dear Holy Family, please help my son Josh and his family to see You, to love You, and to follow You in this, their darkest hour. 🙏

    2. Anonymous5:31 AM

      I Thank you Jesus for giving my grandson Adam a job that he will like for a long time. In Jesus Name. Amen

  22. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Please heal my granddaughter. Thank you for the doctor's who figured out her aliment. Please help them find the root cause of her issues. Please let my son's interview on Wednesday go well and he gets the job. Heal Mira Amen

  23. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Lord Jesus bless my family to come back to the faith 🙏🙏🙏

  24. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Lord Jesus Mary and Joseph we pray broken Family heal and protect Amen

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Dear Lord, heal my daughter. In Jesus Name. Amen

  25. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Thank you Jesus. We hope, trust and have faith in You. Next week is the week of the operation on my daughter in-law. I surrender all unto Your Blessed Hands. You are the greatest doctor. Receive all glory and honour.

  26. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Thank you Jesus for all my blessings I ask for prayers my granddaughter and her husband they want children thy will be done 🙏🙏🙏

  27. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Dear Jesus, Mary and Joseph thank you for never leaving my side, you have never given up on me, I truly am blessed, please guide me to spread the good news to family and friends.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  28. Anonymous9:32 PM

    The Lord is my shepherd and I come before you to bring my son Kevin future into your hands Amen
    Lord Jesus christ pls i also bring my daughter to you and soak her in the blood of Jesus and the baby in her womb Amen thank you Lord God for answering my prayers

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Jesus mary &Joseph please bring daughter margo&family back toyou&the church

  29. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Father in Heaven please pray that my children and grand children come back to the church that they may follow you and live for you. St.Joseph and Mother Mary please pray for my family. Amen

  30. Anonymous5:12 AM

    YES, AMEN 🙏

  31. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Bless my family with faith and love for each other 🙏🙏🙏

  32. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Dear Jesus, Mary and Joseph...please help other families to be like your family - polite, kind,caring forgiving and holy.

  33. Anonymous3:47 PM

    O Lord Jesus,we are Blessed that we are followers of the true God.We Worship and Adore you.

  34. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I pray for all my family and relative all connected to me and friends and enemies, wash and emerse us into the ocean of the holy blood of Jesus christ. Wash us clean and by the holy wounds save us from curses and hexes, may the Holy name given by God Jesus bring light where their is darkness. Praised and blessed be Jesus, Mary and Joseph. amen

  35. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Lord God, Monday is the day of the operation. Please heal her. You are the God of impossibility, have your way into my family, provide for us where there is no provision, make a path where there is no path for us in Your Mighty Name we have prayed. Thank You for answered prayers. Amen.

  36. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Please lord Jesus, Mary , all the saints and angels heal my son of diabetes, rid this disease from his body and if not in your will to give him the knowledge and perseverance to take care of himself and the disease to live a long healthy life. To please get into the heart of my sons to keep them humble, kind, giving and always have you Jesus in everything they do. Thank you

  37. Anonymous1:47 AM

    I thank God everyday for my life, my wife and my kids! Today is my oldest birthday and I ask for prayer for her on this day 🙏🏻
    I also want ask for forgiveness and prayers for me and my wife on the financial difficulties we are having have for the past years. May Merciful God send His Holy Angels and Archangels to enlighten our paths and clear the way for better times to come… in Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏻

  38. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Amen good morning God I'm ask that you give me your love and mercy forever and ever and heal my family of the sickness of the mind body and disease thank you pray for me

  39. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Please Lord I pray that my wife would come back to the church and want to come back to our marriage and family like we were before she left to go off with someone else. Please bring our family back together again. Thank you Lord.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM


  40. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Dearest Holy family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, make our families Holy like yours. Heal our minds, body and spirit and continue to protect and lead us to eternal life. Amen 🙏🏾.

  41. Anonymous5:31 AM

    God THANKYOU for All your many blessings for me & my family & friends on earth & in heaven❣️I pray for healing pr ayers for myself a widow recovering from surgery & our daughter & we are grieving for many relatives who passed away & strength to move foreward & peace &
    LOVE & Joy & worship you together as a family❣️THANKYOU GOD❣️🤗🙏🏻💒

  42. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Dear God heal my sister yolette in Jesus name

  43. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Lord please shower your Holy Spirit over my daughter so she overcomes her addiction & comes back to you to praise & worship you🙏🙏🙏💜

  44. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Dear Jesusplease give me the grace and knowledge to heal my family and bring them to you amen

  45. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I thank you God for all the blessings you’ve given me and my family. Please bless our daughters mind, body and soul. Thank you🙏🏻

  46. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Thank you Jesus for all my blessings, I ask for prayers for my granddaughter and her husband to have children, thy will be done🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  47. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Mother Mary, through your Son Jesus Christ, intercede for my daughter-in-law for the treatment that she will undergo by next week. Mother of perpetual help pray for us, mother undoer of knots pray for us. Thank You Jesus.

  48. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Thank u Jesus for the love and mercy upon all family members 🙏

  49. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Thank you Holy Family for being with me in prayer each day. Keep me going Lord✝️🙏❤️

  50. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I pray for conversion of all my family and for peace and love.

  51. Anonymous7:40 AM

    For all our families that we all ask for forgiving for all the hurt we have brought to each other. In Jesus Holy Name I Pray.AMEN.

  52. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Jesus Mary & Joseph make our home like your own in Nazareth with peace love harmony reign. Thank you. Amen. 🙏❤️❤️❤️Anonymous

  53. Anonymous8:14 AM

    St. Joseph blessed mother & Jesus!
    Bless us in our family’s that we may be one in love , charity & kindness that we see everyone as are selfs. Always with strength out arms.
    May god bless us all in abundance 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  54. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Holy family I thank you for Lord Jesus for making February a month of construction make my family like yours 🙏🙌🙌

  55. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Thank you Jesus for blessing my family 🙏❤️

  56. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Jesus I trust in you thy will be done 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  57. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Amen 🙏🏽

  58. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Jesus Mary and Joseph watch over me and my family and friends. Keep us united , healthy and peaceful

  59. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Jesus Mary and Joseph Travis and Kendall's are sick heal and touch. Them with your healing power. Bless their homes to free from any kind of sickness and bless them with peace, love, financially stable especially Travis and my daughter. Let it be done according to you will. Thank you Lord.🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  60. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Jesus bless my family with faith and love for you bring them back to you ♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏

  61. Anonymous11:50 PM

    My Jesus greatest healer of all time .l put my sister in your hands can you make her better.
    I also ask that you by my side am now preparing for my thyroid surgery soon .I pray thst you heal my wounds and comfort .Amen

  62. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary I pray that you guide all my family in asking for forgiviness for all our sins.Touch our hearts and minds. To ask for and give in Your Holy name I pray AMEN.giveness.

  63. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Jesus, please hear my prayers for my husband and our 2 daughters to be United in your most sacred heart as a Family. We love you Jesus, help us to love you more. We trust you Jesus, help us trust you more. Mary most pure bring our petitions to your son our lord Jesus Christ. 🫶🙏🏼🫶🙏🏼

  64. Anonymous9:59 AM


  65. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I pray for my family to be whole again, give me strength and peace as a widow mother to be able to carry my family. Jesus, Bless my family keep us healthy and happy.

  66. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, please bring my children and grandchildren back to Sunday Mass and also help my grandchildren too see and feel the importance of having their children Baptized. I pray for my family and all mankind to love and pray for peace for all!
    Thank you my Lord and Savior for this long life you have allowed me to have. Jesus please bless my family and keep us united, healthy and happy!

  67. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Lord today is the day of the treatment. I surrender everything unto to You. Wrap this family in your love.

  68. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Dear Jesus helo us always to put you 1st in our lives. Bless my son that he comes back to the church and receives the Holy Eucharist. Help him to give up all addictions. Please help us to be like the Holy Family. Amen.

  69. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I pray for all families to be close to God always 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️

  70. Anonymous3:38 PM

    May Jesus who entered the family of Mary and Joseph instill love in our families and all the families of the world.

  71. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Please pray for my four girls to be healed by the Lord. Pray for them to have healthy relationships, faith, strength, guidance, courage, salvation, blessings, wisdom, love and peace that surpasses all understanding in Jesus name Amen. Praise God.

  72. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Please pray for my family, especially our health. And thanks be to God for all his blessings!

  73. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Pray that my family will forgive all hurts and misunderstandings and be united in love again

  74. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Dear Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit, thank you for all of the blessings bestowed upon myself and my family, undeserving as we are. Dear Holy Family; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sweet Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Joseph, please bring my family to you. I pray for my family to come into the church. To acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord, God and Savior. Please guide my husband to you to be baptized. Please guide my daughter and her husband to be baptized and to baptize their daughter. Please guide my other daughter and her fiancé to you and to be baptized. I pray for all of them to have long, happy, healthy, loving lives in Christ doing your will until they are called to your Glory. I pray for my family and friends and neighbors and ex-coworkers to all come to know and love Jesus Christ as their Lord, God and Savior. I pray for God’s loving guidance to influence all world leaders in all actions, I pray for peace in all families and in the world. I pray for an end to abortion and trafficking. I ask all of this in Jesus name. Amen.

  75. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Peace and love for all families Amen 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

    1. Anonymous4:46 AM

      Thank You Holy and Blessed Divine with our Lord and Holy Heavenly Father, Give Us Strength through Your Grace and Mercy and Love ❤️ 🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️⛪️⛪️🏠♥️♥️ AMEN LOVE YOU my GOD my LORD and my SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!!!AMEN

  76. Anonymous11:39 AM

    My Lord Jesus I trust in you to help my granddaughter pass her exam this week. Thank you for all you have given to me and my family
    Jesus I trust in you to continue to help me walk even if just a few steps everyday. Amen

  77. Anonymous10:43 PM

    In this month of the Holy Family, I pray for peace and joy for all families. I pray for healing and unity for my family,in Jesus's mighty Name 🙏🏻

  78. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Jess I love you

  79. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Thank you Lord Jesus

  80. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Dear Lord through the intercession of the Holy Family please bring back my son and his family that have left the Catholic Church. Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  81. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Lord Jesus purify our souls and bring us ever closer to God. I pray for peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  82. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Amen may I have a blessed Lent🙏🙏🙏🙏

  83. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sweet Jesus, please heal my lung that it is only an infection not cancer. I Surrender myself to you Sweet Jesus, take care of everything for me. My healer, my fortress and my Saviour. Blessed Virgin Mary my mother and St. Joseph thank you . 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  84. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers I trust in you. 🙏🙏🙏

  85. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Thank you Jesus

  86. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus. May all Dominion and majesty be ascribed unto your Blessed name Amen

  87. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Please bring my family and friends back to church who have gone astray. Help me to keep holy the Sabbath day and attend mass regularly.

  88. Anonymous3:16 AM

    O lord have mercy on me and my Family, grant us the grace to celebrate and rejoice more in your name, open the door of Greatness and prosperity in good health of mind and body body, I seek Success and more contracts in my business, o Lord make this year a remarkable of Goodness and Mercy for me and my Family. Amen

  89. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One. Have mercy on us and on the whole world.

  90. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Dearest sweet holy Family, please send my daughter’s husband soon. She longs to be married and be a mother to serve you and honor you all. Thank you for hearing my prayer 🙏🏻

  91. Anonymous5:40 AM

    My Heavenly father and family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph please help three of my grand daughters in having a baby. Two have had a miss carriage, and one can not get Lord. You have blessed our family and we are praying each day for those who are less fortunate and have no one to pray for them. A grandfather who loves you and my family

  92. Anonymous5:40 AM

    My Heavenly father and family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph please help three of my grand daughters in having a baby. Two have had a miss carriage, and one can not get Lord. You have blessed our family and we are praying each day for those who are less fortunate and have no one to pray for them. A grandfather who loves you and my family

  93. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Thank you Dear Jesus, Mother Mary, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Teresa, St. Rita, St. Anthony, St. Peter , St. Paul and St. Dympha ( my go to prayer group !) for answering my prayers.
    Prayer !

  94. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Thank you Jesus Christ my savior 🙏❤️

  95. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I pray for peace between my two daughters 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  96. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Take Glory Father be with us now and forever. May You Lord, speak for Romanus in tommorrow's gathering in my home town. Shield him with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary undoer of knots and mother of perpetual help pray for him. Go before and after him. Amen Brother arise and shine in Jesus Name.

  97. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Lord bring peace to all family’s 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  98. Anonymous5:10 PM


  99. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Holy Joseph, Blessed Mary and Saviour Jesus Christ, bring unity,peace,joy and love to my family. Heal the sick, especially my son

  100. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Jesus I trust in you bring my two daughters together in peace 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  101. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Please bless our family. And thank you for all that you do. 🙏

  102. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Dear Jesus, Mary and Joseph, thanks for helping me notice my trialsand obstacles in life that I am surrounded with as stepping stones to make my faith stronger and believe in your promises. Keep me going Lord✝️🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  103. Anonymous5:41 AM

    YES, AMEN 🙏

  104. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Lord help me to bring peace between my daughters 🙏🙏🙏

  105. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Dear lord please help us from all dangers and suffering I thank you for everything you’ve done to the whole world specially for those who are struggling give us strength and peace forever thank you

  106. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Lord God of all creation who made all that there is. Please hear my prayers of hope and love for my precious daughter. Touch her with your love and make her whole. In Christ Jesus name I pray.

  107. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Dear Lord, please bless my son and bring him to Christ.

  108. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Dear Holy Family, I pray for your intercession that my children come back to The Church, and that they reconcile with each other for the sake of their very souls. I also ask that my grandchildren will be baptized in the Catholic church someday. Thank you most Holy Family for your love and intercession. Through Jesus Christ all things are possible. Amen.

  109. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Lord I pray for my two daughters that they forgive each other ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  110. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Lord, I pray that all my children and grandchildren follow Your path 🙏🏻. I pray for healing and protection for my son 🙏🏻

  111. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Dear Lord, bless my family and all the families of in the world. You created our us all, may your love patience and peace remain within us all. 🙏

  112. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Lord Jesus bless my family and friends to love each other Amen ❤️❤️❤️

  113. Anonymous10:33 AM

    My dear and everlasting gracious Lord. Please touch the heart of my children to strengthen their faith in you. Purify my and and cleanse my soul so that I will see the beauty that you see in others. Thank you for your mercy and for the grace of sending a wonderful man in my life. I pray that you will bless our union and that what we have will last forever. I ask these through the intercession of Mama Mary and St Joseph, amen.

  114. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Dear Blessed Trinity, Blessed Mother and all saints, please help the Eubanks family get to heaven along with all relatives and friends. End abortion, Respect for life at all ages

  115. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Thank you Mary Joseph Jesus for the unstanding and blessings you give me personally and through out the whole world thank you my God for your Mercy and all the goodness in every life we reach as humanity and humility bless everyone in your name I pray A-MEN

  116. Anonymous5:27 AM


  117. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Dear Jesus I need your prayers for my daughter Sandi and Luci to forgive each other Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  118. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Dear Lord Please Bring Sin back To The Church and To His Parents and Torch and Speak To Jim To Come back To Ur Church Think Through Him and Encounter With Him As U did To St Augustine ,Our Lady Help Us in Prayer

  119. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Lord help bring peace to my daughters 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  120. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Pray for all my four girls to have healthy relationships, healthy wombs and fertility. May the Lord give my family peace, salvation and extra protection. May the Lord help my brother to resolve his financial situation. May the Lord block all the heaviness from the evil spirit from Anything in my family, my home and in my father’s home. Lord Jesus we trust you always in your name we pray Amen

  121. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Jesus thank you for all my blessings 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  122. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Praise be to God and the power of prayer! My brother, his wife and my niece have opened their lives to God, and have returned to the church. We continue prayer that his son and other daughter and their families also welcome God back in their lives, and return to the church. My brother and his wife, as of yesterday, are reunited as well. During their separation my brother and I talked and talked and talked about Our Lord, His Word and how we are meant to serve Him. We prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed…. I told my brother that Prayer is essentially a conversation with our Lord. Just him and our Lord, my brother is 62 and he is truly like a child starting on his journey! Thank you Jesus for your patience, and for not giving up on us! Praise be to God!!

  123. Anonymous10:37 AM

    On this month of February my son Charlie was born and 22 years died I thank God for the blessing of having him in my life bless all family to be united and loving 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️

  124. Dr.Juan J. Alva,MD1:18 PM

    Dayly Holy mass and Litugy
    of the hours still not enough
    for salvation
    from from Purgatotory

  125. Anonymous9:13 PM

    May the Holy Family Bless and keep us in Their Protection.

  126. Anonymous11:33 PM

    The Holy family of Saint Joseph and Mother Mary, I pray for matrimonial blessing upon my children and the blessing of fruits of the womb to my daughter, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

  127. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Almighty Father, Lord Jesus Christ Blessed mother Mary, St. Joseph thank you for everything. I love you all. Amen.

  128. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Almighty Father,just as you told us to trust you, I entrust my younger brother's Ian Paul's health in your hands. Retore his body to better health, heal all the pain and remove all the trauma associated with his current situation. I pray for divine healing upon him. Let him gain his strength back to better health from this day onwards. I pray you give strength and courage to his family and loved ones to keep strong and united during this trying time,I ask all through Christ the Lord,Amen!

  129. Anonymous3:26 AM

    I pray that my son Michae would start attending Mass again

  130. Anonymous3:34 AM


  131. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Lord Jesus I trust in you Amen 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  132. Anonymous10:09 AM

    O holy family of God pray for me now, and at the hour of my death Amen 🙏

