Thursday, February 09, 2006

10 Tricks of the Devil

My Top Ten Tricks of the Devil

"When he lies he is speaking true to his nature, because he is a liar, and the father of lies" (John 8:44)NJB

"Put on the full armour of God so as to be able to resist the devil's tricks." (Ephesians 6;11)

Falsehood is the most consistent attribute of the devil. Paul urged the Ephesians to put on the full armour in order to resist the tricks of satan. The Cure of Ars used to say, "The devil is a big dog on a chain, who threatens and makes a lot of noise but who only bites those who go too near to him" (Selected Sermons).

These are my top ten tricks of the devil:

1. We pray for miracles and events to happen and when they do, we fail to give God the full credit by dismissing them as coincidences.
2. Don't bother about the saints; they are dead.
3. The devil does not exist.
4. You don't have to belong to a Church to worship God.
5. Why pray since prayers are not answered.
6. All religions lead to heaven.
7. Jesus is not true God and true man.
8. It is impossible to keep on the straight path. Accept yourself as you are.
9. Why go to Church today, you can go next week. Why accept Jesus today, you can do it next year. Why tithe today, you can do it when you get a better job.
10. Be anxious about your job, health, money, family relationship and future.

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