Sunday, August 27, 2006

Almighty King

Almighty King

“Lord, Lord, Almighty King, everything is subject to your power, and there is no one who can withstand your determination to save Israel. You have made heaven and earth, and all the marvels that are under heaven. You are the master of the universe and no one can resist you, Lord. You know all things.” (Esther 4: 17)

The attributes of God from the above scripture:

· Almighty King, therefore sovereign and all powerful.

· Everything is subject to his power, therefore all powerful

· No one can withstand his determination to save me.

· He made heaven and earth and everything in it.

· He is the master of the universe.

· No one can resist him.

· He knows all things.

We need to remind ourselves constantly of the attributes of God to imbue us with filial confidence.

“I have not neglected the commandment of his lips, in my heart I have cherished the words of his mouth. But once he has made up his mind, who can change it? Whatever he plans, that he carries out.” (Job 23: 12 – 13)

I cherish God’s word.

Therefore I obey his commands.

When God makes up his mind on an issue, it is final. “If God is with me, who can be against me?” (Romans 8: 31)

When God endorses a plan, it is accomplished. All God’s enterprises succeed.

“But God saves the afflicted by his affliction, warning him in his misery.” (Job 36: 15)

Our afflictions are part of God’s saving justice. God teaches us through our miseries.

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