Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May they all be one Father.

"With them in you and you in me,
may they be so completely one
that the world will realise that it was you who sent me, says the Lord." (John 17: 21).

Thursday 28th May 2020, 7th Week in the Easter Season.

The night before He died, in a long discourse with His disciples, which was mostly monologue, Jesus reserved His greatest words to the last in the form of a prayer to Abba Father. The prayer is called the High Priestly Prayer. Jesus is our able and eternal High Priest interceding always for the Church. He is removing His powerful physical presence with the Ascension. He cried out to the Father: "May they all be one."

Jesus prayed from the heart for Christian Unity. What are the facts today?
#1. The 16th century Reformation appears to have accomplished a privatization of Christianity. There may be over 60,000 sects that call themselves church.
#2. Over 50% of Christians do not believe the same thing. Nor do they believe in 100% of the content of Revelation.
#3. One of the core problem of evangelization of the world is that ETERNAL LIFE which is the core and very attractive promise of Christianity is rarely mentioned.
#4. Although mutual antagonism among Christians have diminished, grave suspicions still linger.

God could have prevented the 16th century splintering of the Body of Christ. Why did He allow it to happen? For some, this may be one of the greatest mysteries of Divine Providence.

As we near the Solemnity of Pentecost, let us pray that the Holy Spirit will restore unity in the Church.

Daily Bible Verse @

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