Saturday, October 14, 2023

Where are the invited guests for the Wedding Party?

The Invited Guests refused to come.

"Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and elders of the people in parables, saying,

“The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son.

"He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come.

"A second time he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those invited: “Behold, I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast.”’

"Some ignored the invitation and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest laid hold of his servants, mistreated them, and killed them.

"The king was enraged and sent his troops, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city.

"Then he said to his servants, ‘The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.’

"The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests.

"But when the king came in to meet the guests, he saw a man there not dressed in a wedding garment. The king said to him, ‘My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?’

"But he was reduced to silence. Then the king said to his attendants, ‘Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.’ Many are invited, but few are chosen.]” (Matthew 22: 1 - 14).

Sunday 15th October 2023 in the 28th Week of Ordinary Time. 

Today's Parable of the King's Invited Guests who spurned his invitation and turned murderous is one of the saddest in the Gospel. 

This Parable is an allegory of how Jesus is spurned and insulted in the Most Holy Eucharist. 

Unlike the Parable, some of the invited guests in the Eucharist come. They do not have the wedding garments. They do not recognize the presence of the great King. They lack the respectful manners required in such a gathering. Some are dressed in shorts and tee-shirts in such a way to show their disrespect and contempt. 

They cannot do this as guests at a house party by the mayor, governor or even their boss? 

Wake up Christians. Do not make your King angry lest He orders:

"Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth." 

October is the Holy Rosary Month. 

"O sinner, be not discouraged, but have recourse to Mary in all your necessities. Call her to your assistance, for such is the divine Will that she should help in every kind of necessity." (St Basil the Great).

Say the Holy Rosary every day in October. 

For Prayers, Consecration, Litany, Testimony of Jesus about those who pray the Rosary, click the link below:

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