Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Zeal for the Kingdom

Zeal for the Kingdom

“What right have you to do these things?  Who gave you this right?”  (Mark 11: 28)

The action that provoked this question was when  Jesus drove out those who bought and sold in the temple.  Why did Jesus take such a radical step?  “It is written in the scriptures that God said, ‘My temple will be called a house of prayer for the people of all nations?’  but you have turned it into a hideout for thieves!”  (Mark 11: 15 – 18)

I am reminded of the scripture:  “Zeal for your house has consumed me.”  Jesus acted out of zeal for the house of God.  

Am I consumed with zeal for the kingdom of God?  Am I prepared to act on behalf of the kingdom even if the action is risky?  Do I yearn t o see the kingdom of God established in men’s affairs and everywhere?  How much risk am I prepared to run today for the kingdom?

Lord Jesus, grant me a burning zeal for your kingdom.

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