Monday, August 21, 2006

This is Success

This is Success

“Be strong and show yourself a man. Observe the injunctions of Yahweh your God, following his ways and keeping his laws, his commandments, and his ordinances and his decrees, as stands written in the Laws of Moses, so that you may be successful in everything you do and undertake, and that Yahweh may fulfill the promise which he made to me.” (1 Kings 2:2)

Ten years ago, when I was obsessed with success, I wrote the following reflection on the above scripture:

“Here, I am given once again the secret of success: This is to be found in the word of God. What is the word of God? It is:
  • The injunctions of God

  • His ways and his laws

  • His commandments, ordinances and decrees.

Everything I need to be successful in everything I do and in all my undertakings is in the word. Today, I seek for success in the Enterprise and the Holy Spirit is pointing to me where and how this success is to be achieved.

Where is the secret of success? The word of God.
How can I get this power from the word of God?
  • Read the word and understand it spiritually

  • Confess the word

  • Stand firm on the promise of the word

  • Exercise faith in the word of promise and be patient

In my situation today, this is what it means to, “observe the injunctions of Yahweh, my God, following his ways and keeping his laws, his commandments and ordinances and decrees.”
Christ has given us his Body and Blood as a seal to this relationship. Jesus Christ is the faithful witness.”

Fast forward ten years to 2006. I see success entirely in a different light. Success today means to me: understanding who I am and my mission; growing in this understanding everyday and accomplishing my mission one step at a time.

Lately, I have learned different tools for success from the Liturgy of the Church. The catechumens and candidates received into the Church are asked this question:
“What do you ask of God’s Church?”
The candidate may answer in these words:
Faith, joy, peace, knowledge, success, etc.
The celebrant presents the candidate with a cross and calls his name as says something like:
“Mary, this is faith….” Or joy, peace or success. In order words, the cross is the fulfillment to all our aspirations. The Paschal Mystery satisfies everything we shall ever desire in this life.

Today, the secret of success is not just knowing and keeping the word of God. It is something much more sublime: embracing the paschal mystery of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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