Sunday, June 03, 2012

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear

"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.
For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, “Abba, Father!"  (Romans 8: 14 - 15)

Most Holy and Adorable Spirit, I believe that you are in me.  I know that I am led and guided by you.  But I pray you to help me to trust completely in your continual guidance.  My greatest desire today is for you to lead me, guide me and use me.  I want to depend on you always and everywhere  in all things.  I want you to be my teacher.  I am teachable.  I want to learn from you everything that I need to know about my life's purpose.  Lead me to the fullness of truth promised by Jesus Christ.  I believe that my purpose in life is to learn and communicate the faith.  Open doors of opportunities for me.  Keep me simple and humble like Jesus Christ.  Protect me always from the attacks of the evil one.

The spirit of slavery is the spirit of fears, worries and doubts.  This mean spirit is opposed to the Holy Spirit. It seeks to control the mind and heart through fears, worries and doubts.  Resist him. Cry out to the Holy Spirit to expel him from your domain.  Soak yourself in sacred scriptures.  Remember always your divine sonship.  Have a close relationship with God the Father.  If you cry out often enough, Abba, Father! which means, "My own dear very Father" the Holy Spirit in you will use this cooperation to dislodge completely the spirit of slavery from your mind and heart.

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