Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bearing much fruit2

Bearing much fruit

“It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit, and then you will be my disciples.”  (John 15:8)

What an incredibly astonishing statement!  Jesus is saying to me here that the Father will be glorified by my success in life, which is “bearing much fruit.”  Sometimes we act as if God is hostile to our desires, plans and ambitions.  But I am learning here that my success will glorify God.  If my success will glorify God and if God is the first cause of everything, shouldn’t I align myself with God as my partner?  

When we align our thoughts and actions with God’s will for our life, everything cooperates to the accomplishment of our purpose in life.  God cannot oppose the mission he has given.  If we seek his help, he will provide it.

What is the lesson for me in John 15:8?  My purpose in life is to learn and communicate Jesus.  Everyday I ask God for the grace to do it well through whatever means may present themselves to me.  I remember that he who is faithful in little things will be faithful in big ones.  I have solid faith that with God’s grace I will succeed and that the project will glorify God.

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