Saturday, October 14, 2006

Confidence in Prayer 3

Confidence in Prayer 3

“We can approach God with confidence in this: if we make our requests which accord with his will, he listens to us; and if we know that our requests are heard, we know that the things we ask for are ours.” (1 John 5: 14 – 15)

“A privilege belonging to faith in Christ. The Lord Christ emboldens us to come to God in all circumstances. Through him our petitions are accepted of God. The matter of our prayer must be acceptable to the declared will of God. We may have confidence that the prayer of faith shall be heard in heaven.

The advantage accruing to us by our privilege, verse 15. To know that his petitions are heard or accepted is as good as to know that they are answered.”

(Matthew Henry’s Commentary in One Volume)

“When believers are so responsive to the guidance of the Spirit of truth that their prayers accord with God’s will, God hears their prayers and grants their requests.” (Harpers Bible Commentary)

“Earlier, the Apostle referred to confidence in prayer and to how we can be sure of receiving what we pray for: that confidence comes from the fact that “we keep his commandments and do what pleases him” (1 John 3:22). Now he stresses that God always listens to us, if we ask “according to his will”. This condition can be taken in two ways, as St. Bede briefly explains: “In so far as we ask for things he desires, in so far as those of us who approach him are as he desires us to be.” The asker therefore needs to strive to live in accordance with God’s will, and to identify himself in advance with God’s plan. If he does not try to live in keeping with God’s commandments, one cannot expect him to listen to one’s prayers.

When prayers meet those requirements, “we know that we have obtained the requests made of him,” as our Lord himself assured us; “if you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14: 14).” (Navarre Bible Commentary)

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