Saturday, October 14, 2006

Confidence in Prayer 3

Confidence in Prayer 3

“We can approach God with confidence in this: if we make our requests which accord with his will, he listens to us; and if we know that our requests are heard, we know that the things we ask for are ours.” (1 John 5: 14 – 15)

“A privilege belonging to faith in Christ. The Lord Christ emboldens us to come to God in all circumstances. Through him our petitions are accepted of God. The matter of our prayer must be acceptable to the declared will of God. We may have confidence that the prayer of faith shall be heard in heaven.

The advantage accruing to us by our privilege, verse 15. To know that his petitions are heard or accepted is as good as to know that they are answered.”

(Matthew Henry’s Commentary in One Volume)

“When believers are so responsive to the guidance of the Spirit of truth that their prayers accord with God’s will, God hears their prayers and grants their requests.” (Harpers Bible Commentary)

“Earlier, the Apostle referred to confidence in prayer and to how we can be sure of receiving what we pray for: that confidence comes from the fact that “we keep his commandments and do what pleases him” (1 John 3:22). Now he stresses that God always listens to us, if we ask “according to his will”. This condition can be taken in two ways, as St. Bede briefly explains: “In so far as we ask for things he desires, in so far as those of us who approach him are as he desires us to be.” The asker therefore needs to strive to live in accordance with God’s will, and to identify himself in advance with God’s plan. If he does not try to live in keeping with God’s commandments, one cannot expect him to listen to one’s prayers.

When prayers meet those requirements, “we know that we have obtained the requests made of him,” as our Lord himself assured us; “if you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14: 14).” (Navarre Bible Commentary)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Confidence in Prayer 2

“We can approach God with confidence in this: if we make our requests which accord with his will, he listens to us; and if we know that our requests are heard, we know that the things we ask for are ours.” (1 John 5: 14 – 15)

“John sees prayer as having a wide scope for he speaks of asking for anything, but he immediately qualifies this “according to his will.” Prayer is not a device for inducing God to change his mind and do whatever we want. It must be offered in accordance with his will if it is to be effective. When it is offered in this way God hears us. Elsewhere we learn that prayer must be in faith (Mark 11: 24), in the name of Jesus (John 14: 14), offered by those who abide in Christ (John 15: 7), who have forgiven those who offend them (Mark 11:25); it must be accompanied by obedience (1 John3: 22), and it must not be for the gratification of one’s passions (James 4: 3). All this is involved in praying according to the will of God. From the thought that God hears us we move to the consequences, namely that he grants our requests.” (New Bible Commentary)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Confidence in Prayer

Confidence in Prayer

"We can approach God with confidence in this: if we make our requests which accord with his will, he listens to us; and if we know that our requests are heard, we know that the things we ask for are ours." (1 John 5: 14 – 15)

This seems utterly reasonable to me. If somebody asks me for something which agrees with my plan for the person, I give it. So it is important that our prayers accord with God's will for us. How do we know God's will?

"The believer who is in fellowship with God will not ask anything that is contrary to God's will. (The Holy Spirit will ensure that this does not happen."

"Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it." (John 14: 13 – 14, Matthew 7: 7, 18: 9), so Jesus promised his disciples. To pray in his name, to pray as he prayed, is to offer perfect prayer, for it is prayer that is always in accordance to his will. Such prayer is always answered, though the answer may be different from our expectations. The assurance that God hears and answers our prayer is for the Christian the final confidence in victory that he is guided by God; and no power of sin or of the devil can ultimately claim him." (The Interpreters One Volume Commentary of the Bible.)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You save me on day of my distress

"I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;

Before the gods to you I sing.

I bow low toward your holy temple;

I praise your name for your fidelity and love.

For you have exalted over all your name and your promise.

When I cried out, you answered;

You strengthened my spirit."

(Psalm 138: 1 – 3)

Yahweh heard my cry of distress in 1995. Therefore, I give him great thanks. I recall your faithful love and constancy and I praise you for it, my God.

On that day when I was surrounded by trouble on every side, I called on you and you gave new strength to my heart. You gave me your Holy Spirit to live within me.

When I think of your so many promises, I feel glad.

Although you are great and sublime, you condescended to take care of me.

When I think of how you saved me from my many troubles and give me life, I rejoice.

I know you will do great things for me because your faithful love endures forever. Amen

Monday, October 09, 2006

Spiritual Laws

Spiritual Laws

“Blessed the upright, for he will feed on the fruit of his deeds.” (Isaiah 3: 10)

The word of God promises in several places that he will bless the labors of the person who believes and obeys him. God’s promises are spiritual laws governing everyone and everything. I ought to see my promised land scriptures as spiritual laws.

What is the nature of a spiritual law?

  • · Spiritual law depends on certain conditions for fulfillment.
  • · They are precise and immutable.

The only conditions necessary for God’s spiritual laws to operate in our lives are faith and prayer. St. Augustine says that these are the two things that conquer God.

“I have strength for everything through him who empowers me.” (Philippians 4: 13). This is a spiritual law that governs me.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Properous will you be

Prosperous will you be

“How blessed are all who fear Yahweh, who walk in his ways! Your own labors will yield you a living, happy and prosperous will you be.” (Psalm 128: 1 – 2)

When I reflected on the above scripture ten years ago, I was unemployed and unsalaried but considered myself employed in the vineyard of the Lord. I appropriated the blessings. I confided this in my journal below:

“I fear the Lord and I believe that I am walking in his ways. And God is saying to me now: my labors will yield me a living.

What are my labors today?

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I consider my labors to be:

· Prayer of praise, petition and intercession.

· Study of the word of God.

· Study of tools, e.g. writing and the Internet.

· SAM volunteer work.

· Lector

· Apostolate of friendship.

God is saying to me right here and right now that these labors will yield me a living. He is also promising that I will be happy and prosperous. I am certainly very happy today but what does prosperity mean to me? It means the gift of simplicity and contentment. It means that my real needs will be provided for adequately. How has God been providing for me since the inception of the Enterprise?

Peace, happiness and confidence






Word of God

Prayer time


Computer and Internet


I am eating bread without money. (Isaiah 55: 1 – 3)