Saturday, January 17, 2009

Father of our freedom and salvation

"Father of our freedom and salvation, hear the prayers of those redeemed by your son's suffering. Through you may we have life; with you may we have eternal joy ….." (Prayer at Mass)

God is the Father of our freedom and salvation. He is also a gracious Father.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Blood and Redemption

"By your blood, O Lord, you have redeemed us from every nation and people: you have made us into the kingdom of God." (Revelation 5: 9-10)

The blood of Christ has redeemed us from every sin and danger.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nourished by the Eucharist

"Lord, may the Eucharist, which nourished St. Catherine in this life, bring us to eternal life ….." (Prayer in the Mass of St. Catherine of Siena)

Those nourished by the Eucharist:

  • Peter and Paul
  • Augustine and Ignatius
  • Martin and Therese
  • John Paul and Mother Theresa

The same Eucharist is nourishing me every day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Faithful Witness

"Jesus Christ, you are the faithful witness, first born from the dead; you have loved us and washed away our sins in your blood." (Revelation 1: 5)

Jesus Christ is the Faithful Witness. Semper Fidelis. He keeps His promises come what may. What a delight and joy to serve such a Leader. You know you can trust Him.

Jesus Christ washed away our sins in His blood. Lord, you have absolute power to save me. You have absolute authority to make me whatever you want. I wait for the fullness of time without any anxiety.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Knowing and doing

"Now that you know this, blessed are you if you behave accordingly." (John 13: 17)

Blessed is he who hears the word of God and keeps it.

Grant us light to know your will and courage to do it.

Your word is a light to my path.

Now that you know the Beatitudes, blessed are you if you behave accordingly.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Walking in the light

"But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1: 7)

To walk by the light means to walk by the light of the word. Christ is the light of the world. He is also the Word of God.

When we accept Christ as our Savior and live by the light of His word, His blood cleanses us from all sin.