Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Man does not live by bread alone

“One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”  (Matthew 4: 4)
First, consider the context of the above saying by Jesus.  He had just finished 40 days of fasting in the desert and was famished.  The devil came along and suggested that Jesus turned stones into bread.  Jesus answered him that man does not live by bread alone.  The word of God provides life to man.  Bread could be a synonym for life or money.   What is the one thing that we need for all our necessities as human being?  Faith in the word of God gives us access to everything we need in life.  Everything we need in life can be summarized as the 6 promises of God to man.  I call this the 6 P’s, viz:

1.       Pardon
2.       Peace
3.       Power
4.       Purpose
5.       Protection
6.       Provision

When one places his whole trust in God’s promises, he has access to all the above as and when needed. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Seekfirstweb-Podcast: Be firm and steadfast

Seekfirstweb-Podcast: Be firm and steadfast: "'No one can withstand you while you live. I will be with you as I was with Moses: I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be firm and steadfas..."