“It is not right for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table." (Acts 6: 2 NABRE).
Note that the above core Principle of the early Church community was not defined by Peter, the head of the apostles but by the Twelve. This declaration, pronouncement is equivalent to what the modern Church regards as a declaration of the Magisterium at the highest level of authority. It is defined once and for all time that the core and necessary duty of those chosen, called and anointed to the Sacred Ministry is Prayer and Study and Teaching of the Word of God.
Service at the table will always and everywhere be needed. Jesus Christ our Savior came to serve and not to be served. (Matthew 20: 28; Mark 10: 45) But this notwithstanding, the Twelve appointed "seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, whom we shall appoint to this task." (Acts 6: 3). "Whereas we shall devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6: 4).
"We [all] are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises” of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (1 Peter 2: 9)