Saturday, December 04, 2021

Trust Me with the timing of ALL THINGS.

"I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 1: 4....11).

Sunday December 5th 2021 in the 2nd Week of Advent.

If you read the Scripture servings for this Sunday, what message do you get from the word of God? I get  joy. In fact, I am very joyful because of what the Lord did for me today.
I took this message of Jesus from IN SINU JESU as a personal gift:

I am waiting on Jesus for a couple of things. Jesus spoke to me again through the 2nd Reading from Philippians 1:
"I am confident of this,
that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."

I know that Jesus began the good work I am doing in catechesis and evangelization. I have often wondered: "Lord, what is the next step?" The answer came early this morning:

Lord Jesus, You are the faithful and true Witness. Your promises are my armor, my protection and my wealth. Deepen my faith, hope and love this Advent 2021, O Jesus.

"He will come in the end, he will not deceive: wait, he will surely come without delay.
Only a little while now, a very little while, and the One that is coming will have come. Wait, he will surely come without delay."  (Responsory from the Office of Reading).

"At the right time the path will open before you, and you will have a great joy in following it. Everything will be clear, because all will have been prepared in advance by the foresight of My merciful love and by the interventions of My most holy Mother. On that day you will have nothing to fear. Live these days in a pressing, constant prayer. Draw closer to My Sacred Heart. Drink from the refreshing streams of My love. Allow yourselves to be prepared by My secret but so efficacious action in you. Great graces are in store for you, but to receive them you must be very little, like children who have a limitless confidence in the love of their papa. When you seek to reason out everything, to know everything ahead of time, to control everything by human means, you keep Me from acting as the God of love that I am. I ask neither for ability nor for great preparations on your part; I ask only for confidence, your confidence in Me, in the love of My open Heart for each one of you." (IN SINU JESU, The Vigil of October 13th , Anniversary of the Great Miracle of Fatima.)

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Friday, December 03, 2021

Feast of St John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church.

"Jesus went around to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, and curing every disease and illness. 
At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them
because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples,
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” (Matthew 9: 35 - 38).

Saturday 4th December 2021, First Week of Advent is the feast of St John Damascene. (675 - 749). Religious Priest and Doctor of the Church. Born in Damascus. Before his ordination to the priesthood in 726, St John was the finance minister to the Caliph.  His work of life was mostly study and writing. He produced books in dogmatic theology. St John Damascene wrote a significant book on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. But his defense of the use of images is his striking contribution to the Church. Without John Damascene, we may not be able to use these images in worship or in our devotions. For example: Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, Mary and the Saints. Thank you St John Damascene.

We see in our key Scripture for today the compassion of Jesus for the crowds who were troubled and appeared totally abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus healed many of their disease and illness and preached to them the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Yet Jesus was sad because the need is so great and the human resources needed for the work are paltry. A mystic asked Jesus about the acute vocation crisis in the Church. Jesus answered below:

"When I asked Our Lord about more vocations: Trust Me with the timing of all things. One plant must be deeply rooted before another one can be planted beside it. I am alive in the Sacrament of My love and, at every moment, divinely active, doing from My place upon the altar all that I did during My sojourn on earth. From the Sacrament of My love I heal the sick, I give sight to the blind, I cause the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the mute to speak. I am the healer of souls and of bodies." ( IN SINU JESU, Tuesday, March 2, 2010).

What can you do to help? Become an evangelist. From here, you may be led to your proper path.

For information on the Compendium of the the Church, click the link below:

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Thursday, December 02, 2021

Feast of St Francis Xavier SJ, the Missionary.

"As Jesus passed by, two blind men followed him, crying out, “Son of David, have pity on us!” When he entered the house, the blind men approached him and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I can do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they said to him. Then he touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done for you according to your faith.” And their eyes were opened." (Matthew 9: 27.... 31).

Friday 3rd December 2021, First Week of Advent is the feast of St Francis Xavier of the Society of Jesus (1506 - 1552). Priest and Missionary. Spanish.
This Friday is the First Friday in December. Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus today.

Francis Xavier is one of the seven men along with leader St Ignatius Loyola who founded the Society of Jesus, which is popularly known as Jesuits. Francis Xavier will rank as one of the greatest missionaries in the history of the Church. We know who has the title #1: St Paul. Francis is said to have baptized over 30,000 souls in his 10 years of missionary endeavors. He worked in India and Japan and died facing the coast of China in 1552 at the age of 46.

Two blind friends who have heard of the miracles of Jesus sought Him out until they found Him. They cried excitedly: “Son of David, have pity on us!” Jesus who delights in mercy can never resist those who ask Him for mercy.

Jesus asked the two blind men: “Do you believe that I can do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they said to him. Then he touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done for you according to your faith.” And their eyes were opened."

"Be it done to me according to Your word." The word of Jesus is a Divine Command. Belief in this word is faith.
What do you seek from Jesus?
Health, Family, Job, Money?
Do you believe that Jesus can do this for you?
Are you prepared to wait for His perfect timing? Are you willing to accept another model of car, woman/man, health plan if that is the will of Jesus for you?

You may receive little from Jesus if you do not see that Jesus knows exactly what you need, when you need it. “Do you believe that I can do this?” “Yes, Lord.”

"The loss of faith that afflicts so many souls is incompatible with a life of adoration. Souls do not stop adoring because they have lost their faith; they lose their faith because they have stopped adoring Me. This is why I would have you hold fast even to the outward forms of adoration. When even these things are cast aside, there is nothing left to invite the soul to the inward adoration in spirit and in truth by which I am glorified. I speak here of the genuflection, the prostration, the profound bow and all the other marks of attention to My presence that provide the soul with a language in which she can express her faith and her desire to adore Me." (IN SINU JESU, Saturday, October 25, 2008).

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Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus this Friday 3rd December.

December 3rd, 2021  -  First Friday in December 2021.

The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:  Jesus promised 12 special favors to all those who will honor His Sacred Heart especially on the First Friday of every month.  In the 12th and last month of the year 2021, we look at Promise #12.

#12. "The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under My displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour."

Friends, this is a tremendous promise. Let us thank our Lord Jesus Christ for such a generous offer.  I was once close to death.  My priest came and brought the healing Presence of Jesus in His precious anointing.  Whenever I think of Promise #12, I remember that awesome occasion and privilege. You will appreciate this promise when you are close to death. No fear. No worry. No doubt about your eternal destiny. If you are unable to receive  Jesus in Holy Communion this First Friday, you can make a Spiritual Communion. You can click on the link below to see the Prayer for Spiritual Communion:

Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus this Friday by attending Holy Mass.

For the 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, click the link below:

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Wednesday, December 01, 2021

The wise man builds his house on rock.

"Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock." (Cf Matthew 7:21, 24-2).

Thursday 2nd December in the first Week of Advent.

Our key Scripture instructs us to build our lives on rock. That Rock is Jesus. If we do not build on Him, we build on sand.

To build your life on rock, you need Wisdom. Wisdom is the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us make good choices and decisions. Wisdom deals with Choice - this or that? To build the foundation of your family home on rock or try to save money and compromise the foundation with inferior material..
True wisdom lies in hearing and doing the word of God, the will of God, the command of God. How do we become wise?

How do good and godly choices become a habit?
#1. Pray for Wisdom every day. You will surely get it.
#2. Read and ponder the word of God daily. It is the source and foundation of Wisdom.
#3. Practice daily examination of conscience. You will see where you have been wise and foolish in the course of the day. You resolve to act appropriately in the future.

Wisdom is listed as the first of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ask for the Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit. Ask and you receive Him immediately.

"Trust Me with all the events of your life. I will not abandon you. You are Mine and I will not forsake you. The decisions of men are all in My hands. Nothing will befall you that I do not permit. I will give you My grace to accept the changing circumstances of your life. It is I who am behind all that happens to you. Nothing escapes My wisdom; nothing escapes My love; nothing escapes My omnipotence. Trust Me, and be at peace. I bless you with all the love of My Sacred Heart. Do not be afraid. Tell Me again and again that you trust in My merciful love for you." (IN SINU JESU, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 ).

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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Feast of St Edmund Campion SJ, Priest, Martyr and Poet.

"On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food, a banquet of fine wines, of food rich and juicy, of fine strained wines." (Isaiah 25: 6...10).

Wednesday 1st December 2021, in the First Week of Advent is the feast of St Edmund Campion of the Society of Jesus. Born January 25th, 1540 and hanged, drawn and quartered in Tyburn, London on December 1st, 1581.  St Edmund Campion could have chosen to remain a Fellow at Oxford University and enjoy this life to the fullest. But he believed in the promises of Jesus. "There is something better." St Edmund Campion is the most famous of the English Catholic martyrs. He is acclaimed universally as a great poet.

On the Mountain in today's Gospel, Jesus cured the lame, the blind, the deformed, the mute, and many others. (Cf Matthew 15: 30).  All signs pointing to the Messianic Kingdom.

"On the same Mountain, "[Jesus] took the seven loaves and the fish, gave thanks, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds.
They all ate and were satisfied.
They picked up the fragments left over—seven baskets full."  (Matthew 15: 37).  One more Messianic Sign.

The rich food and choice wines of Isaiah and the baskets of bread and fish are types of the Eucharist which will provide sufficient and super satisfying nourishment in the Kingdom of God on earth.

Does this vision seem unrealistic? Not at all! God will fulfill all His promises as Isaiah declared below:

"On that day it will be said:
“Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us!
This is the LORD for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!”
For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain."  (Isaiah 25:  9 - 10).

Amen. Trust in God forever!

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Monday, November 29, 2021

The Feast of St Andrew, Apostle.

"As Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him." (Matthew 4: 18 - 22).

Tuesday 30th November 2021, First Week of Advent is the feast of St Andrew the Apostle, brother of Simon Peter. (+ 60). Martyred in Greece circa 60 AD. Patron saint of Greece, Russia and Scotland.

Andrew is my Evangelist par excellence. He hears the divine command in the Gospel. He believes it and obeys it instantly. Immediately he goes to share this treasure with the first person he meets who happens to be his brother Simon Peter. How do we respond like Andrew and become committed and enthusiastic evangelists? There are two necessary steps:

#1. Formation or Training: Spending time with Jesus in prayer and His word. This enables us to become like Jesus. Before we can start acting like Jesus, we must spend time listening to Him and watching His every move in order to imitate Him.

#2. Field training: The student teacher or student nurse needs to be grounded in the theory he learns in the classroom before he steps into  the real world. This is the practicum.

The core mission of the Church is to evangelize. Pope St Paul VI writes that the Church exists in order to evangelize. This is a profound statement. Where is your place in this scheme? In the first Reading we hear:

"For 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach?  And how can people preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10: 13 - 15).

How can people hear of a new product unless there is a salesman or advertising? Friend, Jesus invites you to be the sales person. You can do this through word of mouth, text messaging, emails and sharing social media Catholic Blogs.

"When I choose a soul for a work of Mine, I begin always by drawing that soul very close to Me with the leading bands of My most sweet love. I have given you the gift of My divine friendship, just as I gave it to John and to the other apostles in view of the great work that I entrusted to them: the foundation and growth of My Mystical Body, the Church on earth. Every work of Mine begins in this way." (IN SINU JESU, Thursday, April 10, 2008).

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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lord Jesus, Your divine word said here can heal my servant.

"When Jesus entered Caper­naum, a centurion ap­proa­ch­ed him and appealed to him, saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, suffering dreadfully.” Jesus said to him, “I will come and cure him.” The centurion said in reply, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed.” (Matthew 8: 5..... 11).

Why does Jesus praise the faith of the Centurion?  Faith is a rare commodity and one of the greatest gifts of God.  The opposite of faith is Unbelief and Doubt.

How does faith work?  Jesus said to the Centurion:  “I will come and cure him.” The Centurion heard this and believed.  The faith of the Centurion is much deeper.  He said to Jesus: 'No need to come to my house.  Just heal my servant with a word said right here, right now.'

I was a Christian for many years before I understood what faith means.  I remember that the first time I came to realize that faith means believing or trusting in what God says to us, I was surprised.  It sounded so simple.  My immediate reaction to this was:  “Would anybody doubt what God says?”  In fact, we disbelieve and doubt God always.

How did the Centurion come by his faith?  He applied  his experiences as a senior Roman officer to understand how God's power works. God's word is a divine command. For example: "Go, Come, Do this, Don't do that." St Hildegard of Bingen, Physician, Theologian and Doctor of the Church calls the word of God a Divine Command. This is why our faith contains our obedience.

Faith comes from hearing and believing the promises of God.  As you obey the Divine Command your faith  grows.

Happy Advent!

"Why do you think I have spoken to you so often of My Eucharistic Face? It is because “face” signifies “presence.” The devotion to My Eucharistic Face is the remedy to the loss of faith in My real presence that has swept through My Church at every level, extinguishing the fire of Eucharistic charity and causing even My elect, My priests, to grow cold and distant from Me. This is My word to you tonight and this is why I brought you to this place. Any loneliness you may feel is an invitation to seek Me out in the Sacrament of My divine friendship and to console My Eucharistic Heart." (IN SINU JESU, Sunday, October 19, 2008 Saint Paul of the Cross).

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