"Their eyes were prevented from recognizing him." (Luke 24: 16).
Sunday 26th April 2020, 3rd Sunday in the Season of Easter.
After His Resurrection, Jesus sought after two of His discouraged disciples on the road to Emmaus. What follows is very interesting. Why were the eyes of Cleopas and his companion prevented from recognizing Jesus? St Jerome, Scripture scholar and Doctor of the Church gives us a clue: "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ."
The same ignorance of Scripture prevented me from recognizing Jesus in the Scriptures, Blessed Sacrament, Eucharist, Sacrament of the Present Moment for a long time.
From the mighty deeds and words of Jesus, the disciples thought that Jesus might be the Messiah. Why did they not explore the Scriptures to prove the point and find out what Scripture says about the Messiah? Jesus said that they were not only foolish but slow in understanding. How? Because it is clear from the Scriptures that Salvation would come only through the Cross. (Cf CCC 272).
We cannot allow ourselves to fall into the same error. The two big gifts of Easter are: the Holy Spirit and Peace. The Holy Spirit will make “our hearts burn within us while he speaks to us and opens the scriptures to us?” (Luke 24: 32).
Ask for the Holy Spirit today.
Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com