"O Lord, how great is the depth of kindness which you have shown to those who love you." (Psalm 31: 20)
God loves everyone. When we respond to His love, we experience the depth of His kindness.
"O Lord, how great is the depth of kindness which you have shown to those who love you." (Psalm 31: 20)
God loves everyone. When we respond to His love, we experience the depth of His kindness.
"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." (From Matthew 16: 21 – 27)
Christian walk with Christ is taking up the cross everyday and following Jesus. The cross of yesterday is laid to rest. Focus on the cross of today. Do not waste a moment of the cross of tomorrow.
"Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." (Romans 12: 1 – 2)
Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. God's word transforms and renews our mind. But it is a gradual process.
The world is desperately trying to transform and control our minds through the following:
For example: The word of man screams – "Control population because the earth's resources are depleting. There won't be enough for everybody."
The word of God says: "God's resources are infinite. He supplies all living things with food in due season. God is a compassionate and responsible Father."
What you believe depends on what you consume most. If you consume more the word of man, you tend to believe it. If you consume more the word of God, your faith in God and His ways grow.
Word of man is aggressive. It shouts the message through every media, using all resources. Word of God is like the gentle soft sound that is heard in deep silence.
"You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped; you were too strong for me, and you triumphed. All the day I am an object of laughter; everyone mocks me.
Whenever I speak, I must cry out, violence and outrage is my message; The word of the LORD has brought me derision and reproach all the day.
Lord, may your word triumph in or life. Overcome us by your word.
"Lord of power and might, nothing is good which is against your will, and all is of value which comes from your hand. Place in our hearts a desire to please you and fill our minds with insight into love, so that every thought may grow in wisdom and all our efforts may be filled with your peace….." (Alternate Prayer on the 22nd Sunday)
Our Father is Lord of power and might. Nothing is good which is against the will of God. In His will is our peace, health, success and prosperity.
All is of value which comes from His hands. Our delays, disappointments and obstacles are formative when they are permitted by God. Examples are the trials of Joseph in Egypt. God used it for the utmost value not only for Joseph but for his race.
We also ask in this great prayer for the gift of desire to please God. The prayer concludes by asking that all our efforts be filled with peace. How would I feel if all my effort this Tuesday is filled with peace? Joyful, cheerful and very happy!
"Almighty God, every good thing comes from you. Fill our hearts with love for you, increase our faith, and by your constant care protect the good you have given us…." (Mass Prayer on the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Every good thing comes from God:
Help us to love you, the giver of the gift. Increase our faith to trust you to provide us what we need. Protect all the good that you have given us.
"I call to you all day long, have mercy on me, O Lord. You are good and forgiving, full of love for all who call to you." (Psalm 86:3,5)
In crisis and distress, we should call on God all day long. God is good and merciful. He is full of love to anyone who calls on Him. This truth delights my heart. I will call on God in all my distress. I will trust His word that He will hear and answer me.