"God of might, giver of every good gift, put into our hearts the love of your name, so that, by deepening our sense of reverence, you may nurture in us what is good and, by your watchful care, keep safe what you have nurtured.... ." (Collect, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time).
Sunday of the 22nd week in Ordinary Time. We take our reflection today from the Collect (Opening Prayer) in today's Liturgy. An ancient and constant teaching of the Church states that "Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi." The law of prayer is the law of faith. Also as you pray, so you live. (Lex vivendi).
What difference does it make to you to know that every good thing comes from God? The two concepts that transformed how I relate to God are:
#1 Every good thing comes from God. (James 1: 17).
#2 It is not from chance comes any of our comfort but from God's gracious ordaining. (Cf 2 Corinthians 1: 3).
How have these related concepts transformed my relationship with God? I made a timeline of my life from the earliest years, decade by decade noting all the landmarks I can remember. Today I reviewed one of the decades and was stunned to see a pattern in God's interventions in my life. I exclaimed quietly to myself: "I know these are not accidents."
God’s powerful and loving Providence is one of the sweetest revelations in Sacred Scripture. Make a timeline of your your life and see for yourself how God's Providence works for you.
"You poured down, O God, a generous rain: when your people were starved you gave them new life." (Psalm 68: 10, Responsorial Psalm).
Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com