"He who humbles himself shall be exalted." —(Luke 14:11)
"After we humble ourselves, the Lord exalts us. Then, after He exalts us, we should humble ourselves all the more (Sir 3:18). The Lord then will exalt us again, and we should humble ourselves again, etc. This humbling and exaltation should go on throughout our entire lives as the Lord transforms us "from glory to glory into His very image by the Lord Who is the Spirit" (2 Cor 3:18).
Repeatedly, we are tempted to stop God's exaltation of us by refusing to take the lowest place (Lk 14:10), share our meals with the poor or handicapped (Lk 14:13), "associate with those who are lowly" (Rm 12:16), forgive our enemies, confess our sins, look like a fool for Christ (see 1 Cor 4:10), wash the feet of our brothers and sisters (see Jn 13:14), be persecuted for proclaiming the Gospel, take up the daily cross (Lk 9:23), etc. The Lord loves to exalt us. However, we must put ourselves back on the Lord's launching pad by repenting of not humbling ourselves, which thereby halts the Lord's exaltation of us. Where did the process stall out? Repent there. The Lord is eagerly waiting to resume exalting you because He loves you.
Prayer: Father, I need to be both humbled and exalted. May I do the humbling myself so that You don't have to do it but can exalt me. Promise: "You should be pleased that they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid in the resurrection of the just." —Lk 14:14 Praise: Praise our risen Jesus, Who is meek and humble of heart! Alleluia!"
(Presentation Ministries)