Saturday, October 15, 2016

To You I call; for You will surely heed me, O God.

"Give peace, O Lord, to those who wait for you,
that your prophets be found true.
Hear the prayers of your servant,
and of your people Israel."  (Sirach 34: 18 RM)

Do you believe in prayer?
Then pray constantly.
Pray about everything.
Then leave the outcome to God.

Every test of faith is a type of spiritual warfare.  As long as you continue to pray, you are winning.  (Exodus 17: 8-13)

"One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up."  (Luke 18: 1)

Friday, October 14, 2016

The Holy Spirit will teach you.

"The Holy Spirit will teach you."  (Luke 12: 12)

What the Holy Spirit will teach you:
+  How to pray.
+  How to evangelize
+  The word of God
+  Your gifts
+  Etc

Today is the Memorial of St Teresa of Avila,  Virgin and Doctor of the Church.   St Teresa did not go to high school or university.  The Holy Spirit taught her everything she knew.  Universities all over the world study her writings.  Numerous Churches are named after her.   An example of her wisdom is below:

"Let nothing trouble you,
let nothing frighten you.
All things are passing;
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
He who possesses God lacks nothing: God alone suffices."  St Teresa of Avila

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Your promises give me strength in all my troubles, how they refresh and revive me.

"Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows."  (Luke 12: 7 NABRE)

Why are we so fearful?  Consider for a moment the things we fear:  ill-health, poverty, depression, divorce, joblessness, thefts, bankruptcy, etc.  We can fill pages with the things we fear.

Now consider the words of Jesus:  The price of five sparrows is less than a dime.  Yet one of these sparrows is precious in the eyes of God.

Do you think you are precious in the eyes of God?  God loves humanity so much that He entrusted to him the care of the universe.  He sent His Son to die to save man.  Yet man cannot trust God to provide him with his needs.   Think of the sparrow and give thanks to God for His love and plan for man.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Eucharist is Jesus Christ Himself.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."  (Ephesians 1: 3 NIV)

God lavishes upon us the riches of the grace of Christ.  (Ephesians 1: 7)  What would you consider your greatest blessing in life? Family, Health, Money, Job, etc?

The Church has constantly taught that the greatest blessing in her treasury is the Eucharist.  The Eucharist is Jesus Himself, the Giver of all gifts.  The Church defines herself as the Church of the Eucharist.  No Eucharist, No Church.  In Christ, we have Redemption by His Blood.  (Ephesians 1: 7)

Never miss an opportunity to enjoy the Eucharist.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

If you are guided by the Holy Spirit, enjoy without limit grace and mercy.

"If we are living now by the Holy Spirit’s power, let us follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives."  (Galatians 5 : 25 TLB)

What is controlling your thoughts, words and actions?  The Holy Spirit or your nature?  Are you still counting how many good works you do every day?   What do you know of grace and mercy?

The Holy Spirit is the good and sound Tree that produces good and wholesome fruits season after season.  Enjoy and share the fruits of the Spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.
Peace be on Jerusalem!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Those who seek the LORD lack no blessing.

"Let your mercy come to me, O LORD, your salvation according to your promise."  (Psalm 119: 41 RM)

When you are in need of divine intervention in your situation, go to the word of God to find God's promises of abundant grace and mercy.   Then approach the throne of grace with great confidence.   (Hebrews 4: 16)

"Never forget your promises to me your servant, for they are my only hope. They give me strength in all my troubles; how they refresh and revive me!"  (Psalm 119:  49-50 TLB)


"Let your mercy come to me, O LORD, your salvation according to your promise."  (Psalm 119: 41 RM)

When you are in need of divine intervention in your situation, go to the word of God to find God's promises of abundant grace and mercy.   Then approach the throne of grace with great confidence.   (Hebrews 4: 16)

"Never forget your promises to me your servant, for they are my only hope. They give me strength in all my troubles; how they refresh and revive me!"  (Psalm 119:  49-50 TLB)

Sunday, October 09, 2016

The Path to Freedom is the Divine Mercy. Jesus I trust in You.

"So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law."  (Galatians 5: 1 NLT)

What if your country tells you:  "You are free but you can't vote; you can't travel abroad, etc"  You are entitled to ask:  "Is this fake freedom?"

Jesus Christ suffered and died to give us true and genuine freedom.  Freedom from sin, freedom from drug addiction and every type of compulsive behavior.   This type of freedom soars above and beyond circumstances and physical prison.
Like the word of God, this freedom cannot be chained.  (Cf 2 Timothy 2: 9).  But it can be lost.  Losing it is like a dog going back to its vomit.  (Proverbs 26: 11; 2 Peter 2: 22)

Law is useless.  What is needed is prayer, grace and mercy.  Jesus we trust in You.