Friday, October 02, 2020

The demons are subject to us in the name of Jesus.

"The seventy-two returned rejoicing, and said, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.” (Luke 10: 17).

Saturday 3rd October 2020, 26th Week in Ordinary Time. First Saturday in October, the month of Mary.

The jubilant disciples declared to Jesus: "The demons are subject to us because of your name." This is what impressed most the student missionaries. Do you believe in demons? Today, belief in demonic spirits seems to have gone out of fashion. Note that the heart of our faith are truths revealed by Sacred Scripture, embedded in Sacred Tradition and confirmed by the authoritative teaching of Magisterium. So this truth about demonic spirits cannot be in fashion or out of fashion.

Here is what the Holy Church teaches about demons:
"Satan or the devil and the other demons are fallen angels who have freely refused to serve God and his plan. Their choice against God is definitive. They try to associate man in their revolt against God." (CCC 414).

Rebellion, disobedience are characteristics of the evil one and its minions. Another universal character trait of the devil is falsehood, lies and distractions. The devil is is incapable of telling the truth.

Every Christian by virtue of his Baptism is anointed and empowered to subjugate  demons in the Name of Jesus. How do we come to this power? Faith. Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of Christ. The more you hear the word, the more it makes an impression on your mind until one day, it reaches the critical mass and you find that you have come to believe what you have been hearing. At this point, you are ready to act.

Act in trust and confidence and you will rejoice that the demons are subject to you in the Name of Jesus.

Daily Bible Verse @

1 comment:

  1. Fr. Chad Ripperger Superior of the Sorrowful Mother and Exorcist of Liber Christu dives deeper into Spritual Authority and Natural Law. One must heed caution when engaging with the diobolical. These non corporeal beings can only work under certain domains of God the Fathers Will. Stepping out of that can cause demonic retaliation. CALLING UPON THE MOST HOLY NAME OF THE LORD is one thing calling upon your own authority can get people into a bad situation.

